A little note from me.
I'm in a blah mood... Debating on what to watch right now that will (hopefully) inspire blissful heaps of fan-girly rapture and joy and nonsense. I have both DBSK & BIGBANG concert DVDs to choose from. Not sure what I'm more in the mood for currently. I might go watch GD&TOP in "Baby Good Night" or something...
So I went back-reading in my little journal a bit.. I did a Hello video flail post, and then a follow up with gifs and stuff.. And I did a Lucifer gif post, though not one about the actual song itself. So I guess my SHINee fandom is firmly established here, and that's cool... I also did a GazettE gif post, though I could stand to flail over "Red" or "Shiver" or "Pledge", couldn't I? They need some more attention. Hell, I have nothing in here for Miyavi. O.O;; Remind self to fix that. K? K.
Anyway, looking at posts and stuff.. Now I'm thinking: Maybe I should ship my girl bias in here a little bit, since they're being ignored? I have little to nothing with 2NE1, which is pretty bad of me.. They did just do their real album "To Anyone" with what, three music videos? And gosh in here I mention staying up for GD&TOP on YouTube, "High High" and then I did that post for "Baby Good Night" (Which I'm still swoony over)... So yeah, 2NE1? They need attention... I'm sorry, my girl-bias. (Let's not get started on the KARA stuff...)
Though right now I'm on a "Secret" kick, I blame this really awesome mash-up I found of "Why (Keep Your Head Down)" by HoMin & "Shy Boy" by Secret. It was amazing. Crack-tastic, Happy, Gazelle-On-Speed/Crack kinda happy. I think it mildly terrified Silver... In that amused-yet-horrified-yet-amused kind of way, you know the one? Where you can't not look and you sorta watch something like O___o;;; and yet... Inside you're laughing?
I'm just guessing, anyway. She said there was no emoticon that would express how she was looking at the computer, and I believe that. I fondly remember trying to share "Balloons" with Silver, and Fanta, and one of Fanta's friends... And that was pretty fuckin' hysterical, ok? I mean, anyone who has watched that Vid.. Stop and think a minute. Your face was probably the same way as you can imagine theirs was, amiright? Don't deny it.
Anyway.. I'm blah and should watch something spazzy to make me feel better... To make me feel more like I did yesterday when I posted all those random things on here.. Because I had a lot of fun with that... And I'm sure anyone that reads them will be amused. This is just me thinking with my fingers now, I do that though.. Fairly often. Those of you who actually know me already know that, though. At least I'm not saying everything I'm writing right now out loud.. I do that sometimes to.
Just.. Random facts there, I guess. This is what happens when I think with a keyboard in reach. It can be amusing, sometimes it's just sorta here... Like this one, this one is just kinda gonna sit here, I think. It's not like the ones I have when I'm on MD. Those are good times. You guys are missing out on those. ^.~
A Dark Kiss Just For You
P.S. The 30th I just couldn't stand it anymore.. I caved and bought an iPod Classic. 160GB of portable bliss, people. Waiting for my accessories to arrive and then I'll go get it.. And I will freak.the.fuck.out. Right here. Where you can see it. Or at least read it, because I'm not going to let anyone near me to videotape my dancing.
No Silver. You hear me? I Said: No, Bitch.
Alrighty then.
Kiss Kiss. <3