Oct 09, 2010 18:14
This is a repost of something I submitted to my NaNo buddies community... But I'm slapping it in here for NonNaNoErs to comment on as well... Please take a moment to tell me, is this idea too harsh?
I've been actively NaNoing since 07, and I've departed my usual course of action. (And I'm totally freaking out about it, not gonna lie!) I usually have an idea/characters/setting (something! or a combo thereof) before or at the very beginning of October. I finally sat down today and tried brainstorming, and I have a few ideas. (That I really don't like, but let's not go there right now, k?).
And I was wondering: The idea I like the most involves an MC that I'll have to kill at the end of the book. Without a doubt. The story itself takes place within a world I created years ago, and am familiar with. There are some rules/codes/laws that really can't be bent/flouted/worked around. This girl will 'bend' several of the Codes and Laws that govern the existence of said world, so at the end -in order to restore the Balance-, she'll have to die.
Is that too "mean" a thing to do? Too much? This girl is going to pretty much be the Solo Main Character, unless I have a massive stroke of 'must have this character do this and be this important' (unlikely)... Is it too much to kill her off? Usually I have 2 or 3 MCs that interact throughout the book so killing one off isn't a big deal. (At least, not as big of a deal...) But to kill off THE MAIN CHARACTER?
It would be the first time, to say the least. So? Is this too much? I know people usually want "the happy ending", so would this even be something you'd want to read? Thoughts? Help?
~SilverLove (of NaNoWriMo) aka midsummer_slave.