Oh, Lord - I'm sorry if I missed a DVI pairing preference! Did you ask for Mick somewhere and I completely spaced it? This is possible, I must admit: I did look for a Dear Santa letter, but didn't see one and hardly expected or felt entitled to one, since I signally failed to write one myself. So I thought about David Sandstrom, whom fandom seems to view as something of an equal-opportunity slut (rather like the Ray Kowalski of NORBAC? ... and my God, there's a pairing, if you like), and about the DVI regulars and semiregulars, and about how they might mix and commingle. And Danny was the first person I thought of. Possibly because I find Max Martini almost impossible hot (why, yes, I am a freak, why do you ask?), but also the characters seemed to me to make some kind of sense together, especially as part of a possible explanation for why David is the way he is when we meet him.
And then Sunny and Patricia were sort of gimmes. I don't know why. The allure of conference-hotel sex, perhaps :-). Also, I do love both of those characters rather a lot - and I think Suleka Mathew is hotter than the sun, so, y'know. (Which makes it even more fun that the ice-queen Professor DaVinci pleases you so!)
Anyway. I apologize if I missed a trick (...!?) on the pairing front. Perhaps I should write a Mick/somebody ficlet as a penalty? And I'm glad it was worth the wait for you.
*goes back to reread her Cutter/Duck fic again with slightly misty-eyed glee*
Noooooo, that's not what I meant. I just meant, that of all the possible flings David Sandstrom might have had, that one hadn't crossed my mind. BUt you opened my mind to moar possibilities \possibilities/
Ach so :-). Well, brilliant, then. I think David - and Danny - deserve as many possibilities as, erm, possible.
I did briefly toy with the idea of hooking David and Dominic DaVinci up, but I could not make that work at all - in fact, I couldn't convincingly put Dom in bed with anyone of his own gender. (Although Dom and Helen would be a lot of fun, at least at the outset.)
I am not actually usually that much of an angstmuffin, by the way. (Angstpudding. Angstcake. Angstcasserole?) The vast majority of my wee little output is happy due South stuff - with, y'know, the odd bit of happy Hamlet/Horatio stuff. Occasionally the characters want to be written a bit differently than I might have set out intending, which is a lot of what happened here.
I have this whole thing in my head where there are bodies in Vancouver and NORBAC is involved. Dominic and David are all about bending rules and pragmatism, but they're pulling in opposite directions. There is yelling and frustration. I still haven't decided whether there could be sex.
There's def sex with Helen...Actually, a threesome could easily ensue.
Oh, YES. I love that idea. There would be a truly ungodly amount of yelling, and probably Helen would have to get everyone else in the building, like, radiation suits and gas masks to ward off the lethal levels of sarcasm in the air. And at some point they would totally wind up friends, in that sandpapery way.
Mmmm. Helen threesome. Nom nom nom. (Don't tell me Jill is there as well? I can't quite cope with the doppelganger Canadian-Bingo strain of RPF...)
I don't KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Haven't the faintest, really. But you are going to write all this, aren't you? Because it would be awesome if you did. *waits expectantly, not unlike a large overgrown muttish-type puppy*
That's fair. I am happy to wait for you-fic. In the meantime, I have a whole new set of mental images to play with :-).
I get defensive about my love of redheads, because nearly everyone I know except for - who, granted, is an excellent exception to the rule - has some sort of viscerally negative reaction to them. I don't understand it. I kind of crave the redheaded thing. Especially when it's six feet tall and has that mouth and those cheekbones.
*eyes you* Do you, perchance, have a thing for Nicholas Campbell?
DAMIAN LEWIS OMG. (I have a really sadly inadequate batch of icons. Not a hot redhead in the bunch. I need to fix that.) Anyway, yes, and thank you most kindly. I've had a crush on Damian Lewis since Band of Brothers. Life and Standoff are high on my list of media to watch next (after I'm sadly done with DVI - did you know, by the way, that there was a one-off TV movie after City Hall ended?).
Excellent. I just wanted to check before I enthused :-). He is improbably hot, not least because of his odd impassioned voice. I actually really wanted to write Dom for you, but as I said elsewhere I couldn't seem to get him into bed with David (although now that you have explicated your bodies-in-Vancouver plan I begin to see how that could totally work). With whom, if anyone, do you ship him?
Oh yes, the voice! Voices are really significant to me. I may possibly even have gone to the lengths of downloading radio shows he hosted some years ago for CBC /o\
I don't ship Dominic with anyone - in the sense that I could be persuaded by various possibilities.
You are admirable in the completeness of your obsession :-). (CBC radio shows? really?)
What is it about voices? They don't seem to matter at all to some people, and yet to me - and apparently to you - they are key. One of the things that most disappointed me about David Boreanaz when I first saw him as Angel was that he wasn't a bass, as I wanted him to be. (He also wasn't much of an actor; he's improved hugely since, and I now have a giant crush on him in Bones.)
I wanted to thank you for asking for this combination of 'verses. I've had DVI for aeons, but I don't know when I'd have gotten around to watching it absent your request. Ditto ReGenesis. Add in the pleasures of writing it - well outside my ordinary fandoms and typical written emotional range - and getting to talk to you about it, and, well...thank you.
(Yes, he hosted The Current, once in 05 and again in 08.)
Voices are really significant to me - there are bands I can't listen to, even though I like the music, because of the singer's voice and conversely some bands I really enjoy listening to, just because of the voice. Voice is, in part, why Paul Gross does it for me and CKR doesn't. And I have crushes on a couple of radio presenters without having a clue what they look like.
I'm glad that the experience was a pleasure and not too much of an obligation :-)
And then Sunny and Patricia were sort of gimmes. I don't know why. The allure of conference-hotel sex, perhaps :-). Also, I do love both of those characters rather a lot - and I think Suleka Mathew is hotter than the sun, so, y'know. (Which makes it even more fun that the ice-queen Professor DaVinci pleases you so!)
Anyway. I apologize if I missed a trick (...!?) on the pairing front. Perhaps I should write a Mick/somebody ficlet as a penalty? And I'm glad it was worth the wait for you.
*goes back to reread her Cutter/Duck fic again with slightly misty-eyed glee*
I did briefly toy with the idea of hooking David and Dominic DaVinci up, but I could not make that work at all - in fact, I couldn't convincingly put Dom in bed with anyone of his own gender. (Although Dom and Helen would be a lot of fun, at least at the outset.)
I am not actually usually that much of an angstmuffin, by the way. (Angstpudding. Angstcake. Angstcasserole?) The vast majority of my wee little output is happy due South stuff - with, y'know, the odd bit of happy Hamlet/Horatio stuff. Occasionally the characters want to be written a bit differently than I might have set out intending, which is a lot of what happened here.
There's def sex with Helen...Actually, a threesome could easily ensue.
Why is writing stuff so haaaaard?
Mmmm. Helen threesome. Nom nom nom. (Don't tell me Jill is there as well? I can't quite cope with the doppelganger Canadian-Bingo strain of RPF...)
I don't KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Haven't the faintest, really. But you are going to write all this, aren't you? Because it would be awesome if you did. *waits expectantly, not unlike a large overgrown muttish-type puppy*
Also, I should have said that your thing for Max Martini does not make you a freak; having a thing for Nicholas Campbell is where the real freaks are.
I get defensive about my love of redheads, because nearly everyone I know except for - who, granted, is an excellent exception to the rule - has some sort of viscerally negative reaction to them. I don't understand it. I kind of crave the redheaded thing. Especially when it's six feet tall and has that mouth and those cheekbones.
*eyes you* Do you, perchance, have a thing for Nicholas Campbell?
*checks that you are aware of cranky_zen*
Do you, perchance, have a thing for Nicholas Campbell?
Guilty as charged. And without shame :-)
Excellent. I just wanted to check before I enthused :-). He is improbably hot, not least because of his odd impassioned voice. I actually really wanted to write Dom for you, but as I said elsewhere I couldn't seem to get him into bed with David (although now that you have explicated your bodies-in-Vancouver plan I begin to see how that could totally work). With whom, if anyone, do you ship him?
Oh yes, the voice! Voices are really significant to me. I may possibly even have gone to the lengths of downloading radio shows he hosted some years ago for CBC /o\
I don't ship Dominic with anyone - in the sense that I could be persuaded by various possibilities.
What is it about voices? They don't seem to matter at all to some people, and yet to me - and apparently to you - they are key. One of the things that most disappointed me about David Boreanaz when I first saw him as Angel was that he wasn't a bass, as I wanted him to be. (He also wasn't much of an actor; he's improved hugely since, and I now have a giant crush on him in Bones.)
I wanted to thank you for asking for this combination of 'verses. I've had DVI for aeons, but I don't know when I'd have gotten around to watching it absent your request. Ditto ReGenesis. Add in the pleasures of writing it - well outside my ordinary fandoms and typical written emotional range - and getting to talk to you about it, and, well...thank you.
Voices are really significant to me - there are bands I can't listen to, even though I like the music, because of the singer's voice and conversely some bands I really enjoy listening to, just because of the voice. Voice is, in part, why Paul Gross does it for me and CKR doesn't. And I have crushes on a couple of radio presenters without having a clue what they look like.
I'm glad that the experience was a pleasure and not too much of an obligation :-)
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