May 31, 2008 17:25
So, today, I was developing film, when I came across a roll of film of a conference of some kind. The backdrop to the stage where the speeches were being held read, "Black State of the Union". And yes, I was pissed.
In the area I live in, at least, many black people tend to separate themselves from society. They have festivals celebrating "Being Black". They have the state of the union excluding everyone except blacks. Angie just got a text message about celebrating being a strong black woman. And many of these same people are the ones who complain about not being treated "equally" by society.
If a black person were to post this, I'd bet no one would argue. If there was a "White State of the Union", the convention probably would even have been sued.
Get over it. Black people are just like everyone else, with more melanin content in their skin. You aren't special! You aren't less than anyone else or more than anyone else because of the content of your skin. You don't deserve special treatment any more than you deserve horrid treatment.
Black AND White AND all other colors need to stop thinking of themselves as RACES. Your race doesn't matter. Let's all start thinking of each other as the HUMAN race. Don't choose your friends based on race. How many groups of people do I have to see every day that are all the same color. I get so sick of it.
Choose diversity!!!!!!!
choose diversity