Tagged by ainariel_hime :)
a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people.
1. Where did your LJ name come from?
- Midori no Hibi was the first manga, that I laughed so hard that I cried on it XDDD that't why I chose the girl maincharacters name for me, and because there were a lots of san, chan etc on LJ, I decided to write it down in the Hungarian way XDDD
2. Who is your favorite writer?
- Vavyan Fable, JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien :) not so serious XDDD
3. What was the last text message you sent and to whom did you send it?
- MSN counts? XD if yes, the message was a laughing smiley to my friend XD
4. What was your last dream about?
- uh, I dont remember O.o
5. Do you need music to study/write?
- I can't stand music when I'm learning, but when I'm solving math excercises, than I need music :D
6. What is the last song on your playlist?
- Girugamesh - lot's of kanji in the name of the song XDDDD
7. Which is your favorite boyband? If you don't have one, then write here your favorite singer etc., please!
8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
- I'm in love :3
9. What is your favorite movie genre?
- comedy :D than fantasy, romance, drama (japanese :P)
10. What was the last thing you ate today?
- vitamin salat XD
11. What is your favorite color?
- orange, green :D
12. What websites do you visit daily?
- freemail, iwiw (because of the emails XD)
13. What's your favorite food?
- hmmmm, I like a lots of food :D I'm fruit addict :D I can eat some fruits at any time XD straaaawberryyyy XD
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
- Japanese, French :D
15. Which Harry Potter character would you want to be if you had to choose?
- One of the Weasley twins XDDD because they are so cooooool :P XDDD
16. Do you have a birthmark?
- wow, lots of XD
17. What is the newest CD/DVD you just bought recently?
- nothing XD I think the newest that I bought was still a KAT-TUN CD XD
18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
- Yeah, Paris sounds geat :P but I want to visit Tokyo too xD Or if iz has to be a vailable city, it would be Paris :)
19. What do you do to fall asleep?.
- counting sheeps :3 kiddin' XD listening to music :D or watching something :D
20. In which dorama and which character would you like to be?
- Makino Tsukushi XP She has a lots of hot guys around her :D~~~
And my friendlist has been tagged, so soory XD