(no subject)

Apr 08, 2011 01:00

I'm sorry if I've seemed tired. Now that I've graduated I've poured my heart into practice and it has quite taken a lot of my freetime. I won't complain though, I've been enjoying myself quite a lot. I do promise to rest enough so I can keep up with the host job, naturally.

Anyway, I've been signed up for another dance performance that will be in May. I will keep you posted on it.

Though one of my lovely Princess's will receive a VIP ticket ~ Who it is, is going to have to be a contest. If someone wants said ticket (for two, actually, so you can bring a friend along) you'll have to tell me when you reserve me and you'll be in said competition.

I'll announce who it at the end of this month. So it's all in your luck who gets it~
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