
Nov 05, 2008 00:50

WOOT WOOT OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Lyndsay (princess_emmi), because html is evil to Tea.

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ken_kei November 5 2008, 09:21:47 UTC
Peters and Hathaway also got elected.

The biggest dissapointment of this election was that every state that had a proposal amending their constitution to trample gay rights voted yes. Fuck you, America. Still, better than also putting a republican in office and ensuring that the supreme court would be hyper conservative for the next 20-40 years.



midori_tea November 5 2008, 12:52:13 UTC
Yes, noticed that. So that's awesome!

*sigh* Yeah, well.... while America is voting for Obama, their "moral" views are still very conservative. Pisses me off quite a bit, but what are you gonna do. We can only hope that eventually people won't care so much about gay issues. Like maybe when more older generations die off or something. xD


bloodyshinigami November 5 2008, 15:22:18 UTC
Like maybe when more older generations die off or something.

I lol'd. Hopefully, Lily's generation will be a lot more open minded and accepting.


midori_tea November 5 2008, 16:04:27 UTC
I certainly hope so. I'll cry if they aren't by then. Or just move to Canada as long as gay marriage is still okay over there. xD

I mean, I wish I could say that it's mainly the older generations that are being a pain, but there are a lot of younger people that don't want gay rights as well.

So..... I don't know. I guess you'll just have to take over the world sooner if that's the case. xD


lokki84 November 7 2008, 23:09:58 UTC
I don't really have an opinion on gay rights. If there was ever a proposal about it on whatever state I happen to be voting in (this year was absentee for MI!) I probably just won't vote on it because it doesn't matter to me.

Another reason I wouldn't bother voting on that is if a ban on gay marriage passed, people will just protect to repeal (see California) it anyways so in essence my opinion on the matter would mean jack shit because people think that their opinion means so much more that they think they have the right to disregard the votes of millions of other people simply because they don't see things the way they do.

That does bother me.


midori_tea November 8 2008, 14:49:27 UTC
So, it would just become a lovely volleyball type effect of going back and forth with the issue. Yeah.

Well, I guess I'm just going to be as optimistic as I can possibly be about the issue and hope that good stuff happens in the future.

Hell man, I'll even take civil unions if marriage isn't a possibility. It really is true that you can't force your way on others (no matter how much people obviously try to). But, I mean... I was raised Roman Catholic and if the Church really has a problem with gay marriage, then I wouldn't want to force what I want on them. I'd just go where ever I could to be considered equally able to be joined with someone I love and would like to be with for the rest of my life. I mean, that of course is the whole thing that pisses me off about the issue in the first place. "Oh no! Two consenting and loving adults want to be joined together in a practice that other two consenting and loving adults have been able to do for thousands of years." Sorry, I'll stop ranting now. ^_^;;;

So.... yay Obama! xD


ken_kei November 5 2008, 16:22:10 UTC
I think so. If you consider that many of these issues are impacted by parental opinion, peer groups, and societal norm, we should be on the right track. My peers, in mass poll and in personal aquaintance, are more accepting than the generation before. Regarding that number one ticker for acceptance - knowing someone personally who is out - I am hopeful that in Lily's time the stigma will be reduced somewhat, leading to more people out, ultimately creating another wave of acceptance. I don't expect change overnight, but I don't see the problem getting worse over time.

Obama says, during his DNC speech, "I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination." I think this Obama trademark 'middle-ground' or 'spirit of cooperation' attitude is a step in the right direction.


midori_tea November 5 2008, 19:30:17 UTC
Yep! And as much as I don't like to actually listen to my MI politics teacher, she's noticed over the years that people are becoming more left-leaning. Which I totally believe is true. So, yes, I will be keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully even 10-20 years down the line things will be more equal.

And that's another reason why I love Obama! Yays for Obama!


lokki84 November 9 2008, 00:26:43 UTC
I don't think you have any right to say "fuck you, America." People have opinions and to disrespect them because theirs is different than yours is ignorance. So what if the majority of people are still conservative? Get over it.

Is it a shame that all of the bans got approved? Yeah.
Is it anything that writing people off simply because they voted "yes" will fix? No.

Why are people so averted from religion? Because "religious" people are crazy towards other people. Maybe when people stop saying "fuck you for voting against gay rights" the other half will be more responsive to you. Just a theory.


midori_tea November 9 2008, 16:47:58 UTC
Well, by not saying "fuck you for voting against gay rights" might work and it might not work. The other side has done and said very hateful and hurtful things as well (in fact orientation hate crimes went up 5% the past year). I completely understand that it is practically impossible to get people to go against something they truly believe in, even if a million reasons can be said against what they believe. That's the power of belief and people are definitely entitled to their opinions.

But hey, America voted for a black man(half black if we want to get technical but whatever) for president. And two openly gay men also won elections in two states. If that isn't a push forward, I don't know what is.


lokki84 November 9 2008, 20:04:04 UTC
It won't continue forever. History will show you that. I'm saying be the better side here. Don't stoop to "fuck you, America" and use the same emotion-based arguments they use.

Anyways, I'm fucking done with this discussion. Good to be reminded why I don't talk about politics.

Don't give up hope T-san! And be glad you don't live in CA.


midori_tea November 10 2008, 00:28:17 UTC
Don't worry Mike-san, I won't give up hope! I'm sorry that you felt attacked or anything.

And I do understand what you're saying. It's just, in the heat of the moment, people tend to say things right off the top of their head. Like, seriously, I usually say stupid irrational things if something pisses me off at first. And then I go back and look at things logically. xD


I couldn't resist... lokki84 November 10 2008, 16:26:10 UTC
You must take your emotions out of it.

Emotion leads to anger.

Anger leads to hatred.


...leads to the Dark Side.


Re: I couldn't resist... midori_tea November 10 2008, 20:55:45 UTC
But I LIKE the Dark Side! xP The Dark Side is way more fun!!!


princess_emmi November 9 2008, 18:12:36 UTC
Well first of all, I'd like to say that I apologize for butting into this conversation because it originally had nothing to me.

Anyways, I think that Kei-san had every right to say "fuck you, America". I can tell you that in the past little while I have said this myself a lot as well. I've also seen it displayed all across my own friend's list.

Differences of opinions are really common, especially in situations like this and with a topic that is so controversial. At this point I doubt that saying anything to the 'other half' would have any response that is favourable to the outcome of having complete equality ( ... )


lokki84 November 9 2008, 19:57:03 UTC
I was replying to Kei-san, not T-san.


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