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Jun 04, 2013 18:11

WELL THANK YOU DIANA FOR THIS WONDERFUL IDEA. I hope it's not too OOC?? and wow I've never written something like this I AM SORRY IN ADVANCE~~~ i hope you two enjoy it! ;w;

Prince of Tennis; one sided hiyogaku, mention of dirty pair

            The savory aroma of the dinner in front of him leaves Gakuto practically drooling over it. Hiyoshi’s always been a fantastic cook but for some reason this dinner seems exceptionally different, there’s something special about it. As opposed to just putting things on a plate, Hiyoshi has actually made the dish look presentable, like something Gakuto would find at a fancy restaurant. The food choice is a change as well, Hiyoshi for once taking a more westernized approach by adding some veggies (expensive looking ones at that) to the side as opposed to the usual rice or miso that he adds. And for once, Hiyoshi has actually taken Gakuto’s wishes into account and has made him an awesome looking steak.

Weird, Hiyoshi has always reasoned that this type of meal would be too expensive for him to by ingredients for let alone cook and, at least to Gakuto’s knowledge, there’s no special event to be celebrating tonight so for him to be preparing something so luxurious seems very off. But Gakuto is happy regardless, this dinner being the highlight in the last couple of days.

For some reason, Yuushi has been completely ignoring his texts and calls and has even ignored his knocking at his apartment door! Gakuto isn’t sure what the reason for the sudden rejection could be but he can’t help but to feel that maybe he’s done something wrong, something so bad that it’s enough to make Yuushi give him the cold shoulder without warning. But he can’t think of what he’s done wrong because the night before the sudden ignorance, they were just fine, giving each other a rather passionate kiss good night before going their separate ways.

Not talking to his boyfriend has really left Gakuto to feel heartbroken and lost though, not to mention beyond irritated and a bit concerned. He’s not sure why, but he has this gut feeling that something bad has happened to Yuushi but Gakuto tries not to think anything of it, blaming his fear of the worse being him marathoning some American drama called “Hannibal” with Ryou and Jirou.

“What do you want to drink Mukahi-san?” Hiyoshi asks, snapping Gakuto out of his upsetting thoughts.

Not wanting the younger to catch on to anything being wrong, Gakuto gives him a grin and demands, “Bring me some alcohol, let’s get drunk together Piyoboy!” Really, alcohol seems like the only thing that will get him out of these terrible thoughts about Yuushi. He doesn’t want to think of him, not tonight when he has such an awesome dinner in front of him.

Hiyoshi raises a brow. “Alcohol? Mukahi-san, that’s not the smartest thing to drink when you’ll be returning home shortly after the dinner.”

“Who says I’ll be leaving so soon? I don’t have anything better to do tonight! And anyways, for some weird reason you’ve decided to finally make something good so we should celebrate whatever the hell you’re trying to celebrate.”

“I’m not celebrating anything.” Hiyoshi obeys Gakuto’s wishes though and goes into the kitchen, pulling some wine out of the cabinet. Gakuto turns in his seat to watch his host, taking immediate notice to the choice in alcohol.

“Not celebrating anything? Then why the hell did you buy wine?” A sudden smirk tugs along his lips. “Don’t tell me, are you trying to make this a romantic date? Kind of over the top thing to do for a first date don’t you think?”

Hiyoshi lets out a sigh as he returns to the table, pouring his guest a glass of wine. “You have Oshitari-san.” Gakuto’s heart aches a bit as he’s bitterly reminded of Yuushi’s sudden negligence. He takes an immediate sip of the wine the moment Hiyoshi goes to pour himself a glass. At this, Hiyoshi lets out another sigh but makes no comment. “I thought we should have a change in things. You’re always claiming that I’m boring and predictable and I decided to prove you wrong on that tonight.”

This makes Gakuto feel a bit more at ease. He wouldn’t want to reject Hiyoshi yet again, even though it is a tempting thought to just fool around considering Yuushi is probably doing that this very instant. Weirdly enough though, he does care a bit for his former kouhai and he certainly doesn’t want to give him the wrong idea. Hiyoshi might not seem like it, but he can be a bit sensitive to things, this Gakuto can tell, and he doesn’t want to damage their relationship anymore than he already has. Hiyoshi is important to him, they were doubles partners for a long time after all and even roommates when Gakuto had been kicked out of his home for going down a path his father had disapproved of. So to hear that this is nothing more than just him trying to prove Gakuto wrong is reliving because maybe it’s a sign that Hiyoshi is getting over his feelings for him.

“You defiantly did that, it smells freaking delicious! You’ll have to tell Yuushi the recipe so he can make it for me.” Gakuto mentally kicks himself for mentioning Yuushi and for even having him in mind right now. No, he needs to stop thinking about that jerk and focus on Hiyoshi!

Wait, did he just see Hiyoshi grimace slightly at the thought of sharing the recipe with Yuushi? He’s never done that before; since when did Hiyoshi have some seemingly disgust in his boyfriend? Gakuto doesn’t get it but tries not to think on it because thinking on it means that he has to think about what wrong Yuushi has done and that’s the last thing Gakuto wants on his mind. So instead, he takes another sip, this time a larger one, of the wine.

“Well, go ahead and eat or it will get cold.” Hiyoshi completely disregards the question and gives him a bit of a playful grin. “Or do you not know how to actually cut steak?”

Gakuto flusters up at this. “I know how to cut steak! What do you take me for, an idiot? Jeez you’re so rude to your guests, no wonder why you never have anyone else come and visit you!” As if to prove his point of being capable, Gakuto begins to cut the meat up, drool forming in his mouth as the delicious scent oozes out of the steak, juice dripping from it as well which makes his stomach growl perhaps too loudly. And, without waiting on Hiyoshi, he says “Itadakimasu.” And takes a bite out of the much-desired meat, the taste practically leaving an orgasm in his mouth. “Holy shit Wakashi, you can actually cook!”

Never has Gakuto had something so delicious in his mouth before, never has his taste buds gone so wild with such a flavor. The taste is indescribable and something that nothing can ever beat or even compare to. As he swallows the piece of meat down, his stomach begs for more, wanting more of this amazing steak.

Wakashi takes a bite out of his own steak, though he doesn't give the same sort of reaction such as Gakuto’s. In fact, he seems rather unfazed by the whole thing. “I’m glad you like it, Mukahi-san. I’d received my pay check today so I bought the best meat I could for tonight’s dinner.”

Gakuto can’t help but to fluster up a bit again; leave it to Hiyoshi to spoil him like this when he really needs it. He gives his host a genuine smile, feeling glad that he didn’t cancel on him tonight like he had originally planned. The whole Yuushi thing has left him distraught and with a strong desire to be alone, but because Hiyoshi rarely gets visitors anymore, his schedule being too busy and conflicting, Gakuto can’t say no to the dinners without feeling guilt. He’s glad he came though; this has really lifted his spirits.

Gakuto leans across the table some and gives Hiyoshi a small, friendly peck on the lips, still giving him the smile. “That’s your reward for making your awesome doubles partner the best dinner!  Now start drinking so we can have a long, good night together!” As he sits back down, he holds his wine glass up, attempting to make an end to his words.

Hiyoshi takes the hint and lifts his glass as well and the two take a long sip of their wine, the alcohol already taking a toll on Gakuto with the third drink. As they go back to dinner, Hiyoshi discretely watching his guest enjoy the steak, he can’t help but to feel a bit happy himself.

Because after tonight, there won’t be anything to stand in the way of him winning Gakuto over for he’s made sure to make Yuushi permanently out of the picture.
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