known to the state of california to cause cancer.

Oct 08, 2006 15:04

or to burn my nose like crazy and kill what little brain cells i have left D= i am talking about this paint i use. well actually most of my paints. i swear every single thing i use for my costumes has that ^ warning on it. i am looking forward to my bright future =D i can see the feilds of flowers and happy sun shine.

HAHAHA yeah...

it's only products that cause your brain to cave in that actually work. i think everything that works causes bodyly harm .well at least a brain cell or two to vaporize. well then there's ones that cause your skin to BURN LIKE A INFERNO. but this is just me. a observation if you will

am i the only one who has stinky hot glue with black chunks in it? BRAND new hotglue gun and it's pocessed by the devil D= i think it's because i buy my hot glue sticks at wal-mart theres probably something in there that doesn't belong.puppies? kitties? or little childern.
i am not sure.

i would also like to know where all the damn foam goes everytime i go to jo-anns. i live in VERMONT small ass freaken state and every time i go they either just got it and it's gone the next day or they just don't have it. i would like to know where ALL THE FOAM GOES. i going to drive around Vermont and see if i can find a house made from foam.

yay for randomn LJ entries. but you know something, I ONLY SPEAK THE TRUTH.
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