Sep 21, 2006 20:51
So basically, I'll just say...PHEW. What a summer. I hardly wrote about it here...MySpace has become like my second {internet} home.
Basically, boys that I've loved (in both relationship-ways and friendship-ways) have come onto me, decided they wanted to be with another girl right as I've fallen again, moved away, came back to visit and didn't call me to let me know, lost their trust in me, regained faith in me, stopped calling me, called me back once, have apologized, have had me apologizing...GAHH! And the situation probably isn't helped by the fact that I more'nlikely wasn't very sober much at all from my 21st birthday on. Well, when I was hanging out, that is. Jeez. And I have 1 year to grow up before I have to enter the real world? Preposterous!
So what else is new...oh yeah. Getting our carpets steamcleaned tomorrow, and I still have an entire room to clean up. Great, huh? As in, I hardly have a path. I believe I'm just gonna put all my shit into boxes and stack it on my bed...
I heart kitties and puppies. Carly is awesome.
I want to add on to my tattoo, but this one would definitely be visible by grandparents and would cost me lots of money, so I d'no about it. I want to have Beethoven's Ode To Joy kind of snaking up from my treble clef tattoo, either up my back or up my side, with a branch on one side of the staff with cherry blossoms falling off it, then maybe a rosebush on the other side of the staff, with rose petals falling off it. YESSSSSSSSsssssss!