Mar 22, 2009 19:46
So I went dreaded bathing suit shopping this weekend. The last I did this was freshman year of college, in order to have suits for VA beach. Those ones are actually too loose now, despite being barely worn since that trip, and we're going to Disneyworld in May so I need a new one.
It actually wasn't bad, except that way too many suits now have annoying little plastic clips that are A: going to break and B: get totally twisted and tangled. I found a brown and pink (OMG PINK?! ME?! I must be ill) that is cute, so I just went ahead and bought it. Surprisingly, its a 16, despite my pants normally being 18s. But in retrospec, my summer dresses are a 14w and a 16, so I guess it's not far off. Seeing the bajillion high schoolers prom dress shopping in the mall this weekend also reminded me I need to get rid of my old prom dresses, since they're way too big as well. This disappoints me, as I really adored my burgundy prom dress >.> I may yet try to get it taken in sometime.
Now I need to find some sort of hat for sun cover for my poor pasty Irishness. Sunscreen is my best friend, but I'd love a hat. I generally look retarded in hats though, so this may take some creativity on my part. I may settle for a bandana of some sort, just something to cover my scalp and part which are guaranteed to end up burned.
I saw the chipmunk who lives in the wall today, which means it must be summer. Now I am planning touse my contest winning 50$ gift card at Lowe's to get patio gardening supplies for my many veggies. We'll also need some room for the bikes we are bringing back, since Trysten wants to get into biking once more. And I have to learn to ride one. >.> Yeah ok, there's my big dark secret, I never learned to ride a bike. Kiss my ass, I didn't have a drive way (it was loose stone) or friends in neighborhoods to do it with. And my balance sucks. And I really, really really like my knees, although they hate me, and don't want them any more scarred then they are. I think we'll do some string beans, and two tomato plants, and something else this year. I already have herbs out the ass - my two basils are over a year old and still going nuts, my parsley I had to murder one so I could reclaim a pot but the other one is gigantic, and now I have planted dill from seed which is merrily sprouting in the spring sunshine. My jesuspepper plant staged its come back after 2 weeks of no watering after I cut the entire thing off at the base and now has a few inches of growth, new leaves, and a possible bud. Go figure.
I am so glad that spring is here and I don't have to be locked up inside anymore!