(no subject)

Jul 14, 2003 14:49

[ current clothes ] Black pants and black tanker thing.
[ current mood ] kinda tired/good.
[ current music ] I'll be yours - Placebo
[ current taste ] Oranges
[ current hair ] Down and kinda messy.
[ current annoyance ] Damn flies in the house
[ current smell ] Oranges
[ current thing I ought to be doing ] Something,anything at all.
[ current desktop picture ] Mark Dacascos
[ current favorite group] Placebo
[ current book you're reading] Noffin'
[ current movie in dvd player ] Kangaroo Jack
[ current color of toenails ] Black
[ current refreshment ] nothin
[ current worry ] flies buzzing around.

Last Person...
[ you touched ] Mykus
[ you talked to ] My mom
[ you hugged ] Mykus.
[ you instant messaged ] Nat
[ you yelled at ] My mom
[ you kissed ] "Mykiss"(L)(L) :D

[ food ] Chicken.Rice. Chicken fried rice :Dperson.
[ difficult ] Can be,depends on the situation.
[ attractive ] HELL no.
[ bored easily ] yep..
[ messy ] God,no. *hides room*
[ thirsty ] Not at the moment.
[ responsible ] "kinda"
[ obsessed ] Heh heh,yeah.
[ angry ] Not currently
[ sad ] Nope,amazinly.
[ happy ] Yes,for once.
[ hyper ] Not really,more mellow.
[ trusting ] Not very only certain people.
[ talkative ] I have been described as a Mime *ahem*
Who Do You...
[ kill ] A lot of people if I could.
[ slap ] *ahem*
[ tickle] Tickling is horrid.
[ kiss ] Mykus
[ look like ] A giant whale :D
[ talk to offline ] Not many people.
[ talk to online ] A lot of people


Write either "pro", "con" or "in the middle"

*Affirmative Action- pro
*Teenage Drinking- Both.
*Cell Phone bans in school- semi-pro.
*Cell Phone bans on the road- Well, I don't want to be hit by someone driving with a cell phone in hand,so pro.
*Capitol Punishment- ...
*Catholic Priests allowed to marry- Pro...
*Censorship of:
music- con
books- con
games- con
internet- con
*Embryo (Stem Cell) Research- Ummm.
*Gangs in America- Con
*Homosexual Marriages- Pro
*Gun Control- Pro
*Random Drug Testing- Pro.
*Racial Profiling- con.
*School Prayer- con
*Separation of Church and State- ...
*Sexual Education- pro
*Abstinence Only Education- Blah.
*Standardized Testing- ...
*Abortion- Depends on the situation.
*Tobacco Advertising- con
*Zero Tolerance in School- Con.
*Mandatory Recycling- Pro
*School Uniforms- not sure
*Immigration- again,not sure.
*Clone Research- con
*Home schooling- pro
*Time Limits of Welfare- Pro.
*Smoking in school- con.


[You and Others]
Are you special? I wear a helmut :D
If yes, what makes you special? I like pointy things *heh heh,twitches*
If no, then why? I like pointy things heh heh, *twitches*
What attracts you to the opposite (or same) sex? Personality, Hair, Manners...
What do you think makes you appeal to others? I like pointy things.
Exactly what makes a person attractive? Personality, hair(grins), Confidence, And that tiny bit of innocence.
Do you feel comfortable in crowds? No, not really
Do you feel comfortable being touched (Hugged etc) by other people? Not really,only certain people.
Do you feel comfortable sharing possessions with others? Depends.
Do you feel comfortable trusting others? Not really.
Who, or what, has been the biggest positive influence on your life? Nothing really.
Who, or what, has been the biggest negative influence on your life? Parents
Who has been the greatest support to you? A certain few people.
Who has been a hindrance or annoyance in your life? ...
Do you find it easy to admit you're wrong? Sometimes.
Do you find it easy to apologize? if I was wrong, sure.<-yup.

[Recent Things]
What was the last dream you remember? I had long hair
What do you think that dream was trying to tell you? I want long hair?
What was the last thing you said to someone? "Buh bye"
What was the last good deed you did for someone? Iano.
What was the last bad turn you did for someone? Oo
When was the last time you smiled? Today
Why did you smile? I was talking to someone.
Who was the last friend you spoke to? Nat on Msn.
What do you think of that friend? HOYL!
How do you react to:
A couple being affectionate together: Depends on what they are doing.
A homosexual couple being affectionate together: again with the what they are doing.
A sex scene on TV/Film: Ick.
A person in tears before you: I'll feel bad and probably hug them or something.
Someone being bullied/attacked: If its someone that doesn't deserve it I'll be really angry.
A tragedy or accident in the News: *shrug*
Some scandal on someone famous/important in the News: I don't care.
Charity advertisements (TV or otherwise): Again,I don't care. But If its for Animals,I care.
Praise from friends/loved ones: Its nice.
Insults from friends/loved ones: Get angry/sad/depressed.
Praise from strangers: *blush*.
Insults from strangers: I embarrass them.

[Song Section]
Name a song that reminds you of :
Friendship: not sure...
Happiness: Hungry Lucy- In the Circle
Lust/sex: I worship you-Razed In Black
Excitement: Special K - Placebo<-agreed.
Anger: umm.
Hate: Children of bodom - hate me
Revenge: Not sure...
Worry/Anxiety: ...
Depression: Mad World - Gary Jules<-agreed.
Death: Sleeping With Ghosts- Placebo
Life: umm...
And a song that:
Cheers you up: Pretty much anything by Placebo<-agreed
or orgy.
Makes you depressed: Hungry Lucy-Bed Of Flames.
You dance to: a lot of stuff.
You play whilst travelling: Stitches- Orgy.
Reminds you of a loved one: I'll be yours- Placebo
Reminds you of yourself: Soror Sui Excidium- Sopor Aeternus*random*
and other ones.

[The Future]
What are you going to do after this? nothing
What are you going to do tomorrow? Nothing...
What are your plans for the next five years? Not sure yet
What do you honestly think will happen in another five years? I'll be placed in a looney bin.
Have you changed within the past five years? Ummmm,tough..in some ways yes...in others no.
Do you think you'll change within another five years? Fack know.
What career did you want as a child? Actress
What career do you want now? Photographer
Do you want to live to be 100? No way.
Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation? Maybe...

What do you want now? heh...
How are you going to get/do it? *twitches*
What question do you wish you were asked? I like pointy things.
How would you answer that question? heh heh,*twitches*
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