May 24, 2009 23:29
I know it's been a while since I've posted anything here, but I've recently been going through old entries and just reading selected entries and I realized just how integral LiveJournal has been in my life and how much of a creative/venting/support outlet it is. I do plan on spending more time in future entries fleshing out things that are on my mind versus a play-by-play of my life, but some life occurrences do warrant special mention.
This weekend would be one of them.
Friday was a fairly lowkey day at work, which was fantastic since I had some stuff to catch up on. I left work and went over to hang out with Trey for a bit... have a drink or 2, catch up and kick off the weekend right. I had parked my car across the street and just had a weird feeling when I parked, but I shrugged it off (yes, I know... dumb dumb dumb). I did take Matt and I's free CDs from the Coldplay concert and hid them and tucked my iPod between the console and the seat.
I was there for about 3 hours, give or take. I put the bottle of hurricane that Trey gave me in my trunk and get in my car and start it up. I then think, "What the hell is all over my passenger seat?" I realize that it's the passenger window. I then notice that my iPod and 2 other CDs I had were gone. Sonofabitch!
I call Norfolk police... who could have cared less. They took a report over the phone and gave me a case number. I could have called in to report that my casserole was overcooked and they would have shown similar concern. I then call my insurance company and spend about 40 minutes on the phone with them... all the while driving home sitting on broken glass (they must have hit the window hard... there were shards in the far back corner). After much cussing and discussing, I finally get them to send someone to fix the glass Saturday morning. Originally, they wanted me to wait until Tuesday.
Me: Ma'am... would you leave your car until Tuesday with a window missing from it?
Insurance Lady: No. No I wouldn't.
Me: Thank you. Then why are you expecting me to do that?
Long story shorter, the window was fixed Saturday morning (to the tune of almost $190... all out of pocket since I didn't hit my deductible) and then I will have to deal with the adjuster and other such people on Tuesday about my iPod and CDs. The door makes a tinkling noise when it's closed now because some shards of glass got into a deep groove in the door and the guy who fixed the window couldn't reach it with his vacuum or his hands. Oh well!
Saturday night was fun thanks to the arrival of Joe and James from New Jersey. We went to dinner at Imperio Inca, a wonderful Peruvian restaurant in Ghent, and stuffed our faces. Afterward, we drove them around the area so they could see the changes since they were last here and then we picked up some beer and came back home to watch some Drawn Together. I felt bad that we didn't have better accommodations than an air mattress, but maybe someday!
Today was equally wonderful. Started the day off hanging out with Joe and James in the living room and then we all busted to Virginia Beach and No Frill Grill. The food there is always so good and some of the employees are as nice to look at as the food is tasty. Joe and James left and Matt and I came home to rest some before heading over to Michelle's for authentic ceviche. Michelle and her parents (who are down visiting from PA) went all out. The ceviche was delicious... ok... extremely delicious and everything else was yummy too. The company was outstanding... I don't think Matt or I had laughed that hard in quite some time.
I am determined to sleep in tomorrow and just relax and enjoy a nice peaceful day before throwing myself back into work on Tuesday. We'll see how successful I am. I hope everyone has had a great Memorial Day weekend so far!