1st biking accident

Apr 15, 2005 14:47

i'm right handed handed so typing w just my left sucks. so i went out for a ride like i usually do. biked up to the observatory twice. what a workout. great ride. so it's mile 27.88 on a low traffic section of riverside in burbank, i'm pedaling about 20mph. a lady in her parked car opens the door right in front of me. right in front of me. my attempt to dodge it just wasn't given enough time and i hit the door, flip off my bike, and my shoulder takes most of the impact. i hurt. i have some scrapes, not to bad cuz i guess i rolled instead of skid on the pavement. only at the emergency room do i find i have a broken metacarpal on my right hand and they can't tell me a damn thing about my shoulder. but it hurts. a lot. so my right hand is useless in this half-cast... the emergency room only did enough to keep me from jacking it up more and i can't get in to see an orthopedic surgeon until monday. only then will i find out whats entirely wrong and get proper treatment. i might need pins in my hand. but i'll be chillin all weekend w/o proper medical care. did i mention i have no health insurance? the lady is supposed to take care of it. lawyer says it looks good for me. a little extra dough since i'm in pain and suffering. but really, is all this worth it for a lil extra cash? i can't do anything i like. and wut i can do is darn difficult. i wish she just woulda looked extra careful before throwing her door wide open in front of me.
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