why am i always pulled in to these peoples problems when i have my own

Nov 09, 2002 22:03

Allxbecuzx0fu: yo
OzMaNiX: wud up
Allxbecuzx0fu: not alot...
Allxbecuzx0fu: feeling sick
Allxbecuzx0fu: dyed my hair back black
OzMaNiX: y black again
Allxbecuzx0fu: doesn't matter im ugly anyways
OzMaNiX: y do u say that
Allxbecuzx0fu: red hair yellow hair purple or blond im a fucking wreck
OzMaNiX: adam sleep there yesterday
OzMaNiX: ?*
Allxbecuzx0fu: no
Allxbecuzx0fu: he's coming over at 1230 to bring me back vice city
OzMaNiX: oh
OzMaNiX: are u guys back now
Allxbecuzx0fu: no
Allxbecuzx0fu: and im leaving today anyway
Allxbecuzx0fu: and i'll just make everyone fuking happy my dissappearing
OzMaNiX: no way u guys could work it out more
Allxbecuzx0fu: by*
Allxbecuzx0fu: i wish i could believe you but it seems impossible for him to show he even cares
OzMaNiX: tell me wut the fuck happend
OzMaNiX: from the begining to last night
Allxbecuzx0fu: he ripped my fucking heart out
Allxbecuzx0fu: you want all of it?
OzMaNiX: fuck yes
Allxbecuzx0fu: we argued over something stupid he came in my room all unsure of things so i asked him if he wanted to be with me he said he dunno later on in the night he said he didn't want me anymore..but i made him stay the night so he didn't go off to sleep in his car...I cried all fucking night long telling him i need him finally i just cried myself to sleep and he didn't show one tear.
OzMaNiX: damn that sux
Allxbecuzx0fu: the next morning I tried some more while he played his video games and I tried and tried cried and everything I told him with out him ik have nothing he was still only wanting to be friends
Allxbecuzx0fu: then he made moveso n me and we ended up having sex right after that he said he was leaving
Allxbecuzx0fu: and that he hopes we could still be friends
Allxbecuzx0fu: that hurt so much.
Allxbecuzx0fu: i tried all day....... I have never wanted anything more then to have one more fucking chance with him cos i know i can make it better
OzMaNiX: just keep tryin
OzMaNiX: im feelin the same fuckin way wit camber
OzMaNiX: but i know ur hurtin more
OzMaNiX: cause its been like a year
Allxbecuzx0fu: he came over last night and I asked him to take my somewhere to this park him and I use to goto and its on lakeworth road he said he didn't need me at all so i took off he tried to get me in his car twice but i walked all the way to my house on haverhill
OzMaNiX: damn
Allxbecuzx0fu: on the way there I got grabbed by some guy when i asked him for a quarter I saw a car accident and I thought it was adam i freaked out....on forest hill some guy came from his house threw a bush grabbed me and pulled me put his hand around my face and stuck his hand in my pants
OzMaNiX: oh shit
OzMaNiX: wut did u do
Allxbecuzx0fu: my dad told me he wishes he never paid for my way to come back down here he pushed me down the stairs ( that wasw earlier that day) and i lost everything in one day and the thing that matters most doesn't care at all
Allxbecuzx0fu: I punched him in the face and ran
Allxbecuzx0fu: people pulled over to see what was going on
Allxbecuzx0fu: i have a bruise on my boob and some scratches on my side and the thoughts of thinking life is a joke and its not meant to be lived at all
OzMaNiX: so now ur leaving today?
Allxbecuzx0fu: and when adam came over he hugged me held me and kissed me.
Allxbecuzx0fu: but left only wanting to be friends
Allxbecuzx0fu: I really should.. I don't know what to do.
Allxbecuzx0fu: I want to keep trying but he has already made up his mind
OzMaNiX: hell change it
Allxbecuzx0fu: or so it seems
OzMaNiX: hes known to do that
Allxbecuzx0fu: i can't wait for him to do that...cos he wont and i'll just be led on
OzMaNiX: well then be freinds with him
Allxbecuzx0fu: our year anniversery is this month to and my birthday
Allxbecuzx0fu: I can't be friends with him wanting him the way i do
Allxbecuzx0fu: i'd give anything even though i have nothing just to have one more chance to prove myself to him
OzMaNiX: well then do it
OzMaNiX: sart tryin a little fucking harder
Allxbecuzx0fu: he wont allow me to once i start talking about he'll say"im leaving i don't have to deal with this"
Allxbecuzx0fu: john im trying to fucking hard!
Allxbecuzx0fu: last night when he was online I told him everything I confessed my love for him and he acted all interested but then said i still want to be friends
OzMaNiX: hell change his fuckin mind
Allxbecuzx0fu: he doesn't care if i leave fla
OzMaNiX: just let him sleep on it for a while
Allxbecuzx0fu: today is my only oppertunity to leave.....I want to wait so bad to see if he'd change his mind...but i don't want to be stuck here with nothing a week down the road and him still wanting to be friends
Allxbecuzx0fu: i asked him if he was in love with me and he said no i love you...he fell out of love in one night
Allxbecuzx0fu: so im not worth a whole lot
OzMaNiX: well i dont know wut to say but just dont move
Allxbecuzx0fu: stay here with all the memories not have the person i need most
Allxbecuzx0fu: and just live
Allxbecuzx0fu: have the person i had around the same time last year leave me around the same time of year we got together
Allxbecuzx0fu: that leave the whole year of memories to live by myself
Allxbecuzx0fu: its so hard
Allxbecuzx0fu: i wouldn't be able to stand seeing him with another girl
OzMaNiX: i doubt hes gonna have one this quik
Allxbecuzx0fu: im sure angela would jump on it
OzMaNiX: he wouldent jump on her
Allxbecuzx0fu: i wish his friends could call him to talk him into giving me a second chance and rekiem told me he'll talk to him but i know how rekiem is he'll say whatever to me to make me happy so he'll tell adam to just move on but tell me to try
Allxbecuzx0fu: just like the other night rekiem told me to ask adam to come over and when adam told you guys he was heading over here rekiem called hima pussie
OzMaNiX: oh
Allxbecuzx0fu: do u think we'll be together or should be together?
OzMaNiX: yes
OzMaNiX: uve guys have had ur fights
OzMaNiX: and got back together
Allxbecuzx0fu: but what do u honestly think we could
OzMaNiX: stay together?
Allxbecuzx0fu: yes
Allxbecuzx0fu: or get together
OzMaNiX: yes
Allxbecuzx0fu: you should call him and talk some sence into him and tell him to not let me leave or give me some hope
OzMaNiX: i dont know his cell phone #
Allxbecuzx0fu: ---beep---
OzMaNiX: ok
OzMaNiX: ill talk to him
Allxbecuzx0fu: can u do that now before he comes here
OzMaNiX: im busy
OzMaNiX: ill do it in a bit
Allxbecuzx0fu: im so fucking happy that you think hm and i c=should be together rekiem is all nonshalant about it
Allxbecuzx0fu: prolly wants in my jeans
OzMaNiX: oh
Allxbecuzx0fu: rekiems all telling me its better this way and i don't need adam
OzMaNiX: oh
Allxbecuzx0fu: the same night we broke up he told me i have his word that we'll get married
OzMaNiX: who u and rakeim?
Allxbecuzx0fu: no adam and i
OzMaNiX: oh
Allxbecuzx0fu: rekiem said him and i would end up married one day before though
OzMaNiX: oh
Allxbecuzx0fu: i don't know what to say to him when he gets here
OzMaNiX: tell him u love him
Allxbecuzx0fu: i do he says it back
Allxbecuzx0fu: but doesn't want to be with me
OzMaNiX: oh
Allxbecuzx0fu: do u think you can call him before 1230
OzMaNiX: ok
Allxbecuzx0fu: i thank you so much
OzMaNiX: ok
OzMaNiX: wont answer his phone
OzMaNiX: his and carols
Allxbecuzx0fu: ok
Allxbecuzx0fu: he's pulling up now....soo just call my house for him
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