Well, it would seem that
I've been quoted. And, of course, quoted out of context in places. Funny which bits made it in, which were ignored, and how it was all presented.
But what else do you expect from the press? I suppose I should have known, but meh - she's not the first reporter to do that.
Yes, obviously that was me. But the "where they think the characters are straight" bit?
Um, no. And I said that most slashers in general tend to prefer to assume characters are bisexual until proven otherwise. Oy.
And it's interesting how she conveniently forgot to mention the bit where I was joking and slightly exaggerating my use of the term "porn", explaining how, while yes, there's actual porn which can be found for any and every fandom, the point of slash itself varied by the individual. For me it was my way of exploring the sexualities of the characters and relating that to the canon material.
To be honest, I spoke with her several times over the weekend, asking her how she was finding things, what she had learned from the panels and from speaking with others. She was quite pleasant to me, and we discussed a lot of things, really, including my clarifying how this con and fandom in general was a place where people could discuss a variety of things with each other. Yes, of course, the Harry Potter books, but also freely explore thoughts and ideas which would otherwise cause the
Mary Whitehouses of the world to run away screaming, scandalized. That fandom itself was more than a place for fans with similar interests to come together - it was a place where discrimination was not tolerated and freedom of expression prized.
We discussed the popularity of rapefics (which I clarified tended to be more "rape fantasy", focused on the sex, not the violence, whereas 'real life rape' was the exact opposite) and we even discussed how this concept of 'fantasy' applied to
pre_raphaelite1's Taboo in Fiction panel. She nodded and scribbled while I smoked - I always seemed to find her when I was off smoking somewhere. Heh.
And then she wrote
that. Really, I'm more disappointed than angry or upset, though grateful that she didn't use my last name.
Ah well. Then again, she turned Hally from a hard core Snarry shipper into a Harry/Draco shipper, and twisted her words a bit as well. *pets Hally* Really, I'm glad now that I didn't bring up the Giant Squid.
Though, she did get one bit fairly right on the money:
I had no idea that Harry was a porn star, I say.
'Oh yes. You should see some of the things that Harry gets up to!'
That bit was most definitely me!