I think I've finally reached the apex of bizarreness in my dreams. I have no idea where it came from, either. Well, obviously, part of it is due to my adoration and obsession with all things 'marauder', but really.
As with most of my dreams, I only remember bits and pieces, but it was a MWPP/Gilligan's Island crossover. Yes. I know I'm a bit deranged, but I honestly can't control my brain. And none of them had their wands - hence the shipwrecked thing. Remus was the Professor - trying to invent things out of coconut shells, tree bark and seaweed, and constantly exclaiming things like "Aha! If I can just get the fire hot enough to melt this sand into glass...". Sirius was Gilligan, in all his
sheafrotherdon fic-inspired brilliant-idea silliness, and James was the Skipper - trying to keep a rein on him. Though sometimes James and Lily were the Howells, too. It kept morphing. Peter was there as well, but thank God he wasn't dressed like Maryann or Ginger. All in all, it was incredibly silly and extremely bizarre and I think I need a sort of brain brillo before I go to sleep tonight!
And I was very happy that the Pats won last night! I'm a Giant's fan and I just can't cheer for the Eagles on principle. I also won the half-time pot which was very cool! :) And the commercial with the cat/spaghetti sauce/man-wielding-knife/shocked-girlfriend-walking-in was my hands down choice as funniest :)