Am alive and well. Started meds of doom and so far so good. *refuses to talk more about it so as not to jinx it*
Been reading the racism vs. prejudice vs. bigotry posts, and really all it does it make me want to *headdesk* repeatedly. Some people seriously need some valium and percocet.
Are wizards a "race"? Well, ignoring the glaring obvious that HP 'wizards' are fictional, we're all human, and we consider ourselves part of the "human race". Should our shared human-ness supersede all other definitions of race? Until we meet non-humans, (like some Klingons or Vulcans) we'll have to wait on that, yeah? We've *cough* already made a point to firmly separate ourselves from the likes of apes, neanderthals and fish. (and fishapods!)
One thing that makes me laugh rather hard, really, is that some of the 'wizards aren't a race' proponents are also strict canonists. (And have definite, unswerving opinions over what they consider to be "canon" - i.e. the six published books vs. supplementary books (QTTA & FB), author interviews, info published on JKR's official website and the movies). JKR (through her characters) says wizards are a race in the books - IN CANON, ergo they're a race. But no! Canon is wrong! Sirius is unreliable! Obviously it's authorial intent!
Sure, only when it's convenient or contradicts what you personally believe.
Another amusement is the "My definition of "race" is better than yours! Nyah Nyah Nyah! Pffbbbt!" argument. Really. People were claiming that their definitive expert source was better than someone else's. *bitchslap*
And Squibs? Are not Muggles. They're still wizarding-kind, just sort of with a severe disability. After all, if Filch was a Muggle, he'd have a hard time working at Hogwarts, which is charmed to repel Muggles, is it not?
Heh. Sorry. (There was a reason I didn't comment on any of the other posts.) I just think the whole argument is a bit... pretentious. And silly. Was Remus staying at 12 Grimmauld Place just that one time it's mentioned, was he "staying" full time, or was he "staying" *nudge nudge wink wink* at 12 Grimmauld Place? Semantics.
Been watching Supernatural. I really like it. Haven't read much fanfic, and the idea of "Wincest" doesn't really pique my interest, though I can absolutely understand the appeal. (Those boys are quite yummy!) Though
ignipes is scaring me with her Lt. Data-like ability to recall details, down to which episode and the complete timeline of events. Now that's shock and awe, Mr. President!
Excuse me while I go laugh my arse off at the declaration that the HP fandom dying.
(which is distinctly better than crying at the gas station where they charged me $3.199 a gallon two days ago)