Snape is a very popular character for discussion as of late.
junediamanti in particular has written two excellent essays,
the first regarding the "gang of Slytherins", its nature, and the timeline of the previous generation and the second,
Musing on Snape's Worst Memory. (Go read them if you haven't already. They're very good
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Yes! That, at least to me, would be the logical presumption, but Snape was so convinced that Remus was helping Sirius that it clouded logic.
Then, to play devil's advocate, I always read Snape's comments ("You forgot to take your potion today, Lupin...") to mean that the burden of responsibility was *Remus's* to find Snape sometime during the day to get that last gobletfull, and he had not gone.
Yes, I thought about this as well, but I didn't really come to any conclusions about it. The other time we see Remus drink the potion on Halloween (not the full moon night either), Snape brings it to him. And after all of the "I must be grateful" crap in HBP, I can imagine Remus being... resigned and passive about it. I can't recall if it is canon or not, but in my eyes, Snape doesn't make the potion for Remus of his own free will - he makes it because Dumbledore asked him to. So I can very easily see Snape being an obnoxious bastard about it all, and I wonder if Remus would actually go to Snape - or just 'be grateful' that Snape is 'good enough' to bring it to him.
Despite that, it just annoys me when people blame Remus completely and claim Snape was being the hero and once again trying to save Harry. Um, no.
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