I am a ridiculous puddle of flaily fangirl at the moment. It's kind of pathetic. But if I can't share my ridiculousness with you guys, then what's the point of fandom?? :-P
Okay, so as I mentioned in my last post, we met the lovely Clark Gregg Wednesday night at a screening of his movie Trust Me, which he wrote, directed, and starred in. We saw the Premiere Saturday night, and got to meet him briefly then, but it was the premiere, he was clearly nervous (and adorable! OMG! SO ADORABLE!) and he had the afterparty to go to when we cornered him after the movie saw him when he was leaving, so it was a brief encounter.
Wednesday night's screening was much more relaxed, it was a smaller theater than the one the premiere was held in, and the Q&A was more ... intimate. (It was just him. Saturday night, his co-stars, Sam Rockwell, Felicity Huffman, Amanda Peet, Saxon Sharbino, (who is a new, young up-and-coming actress and who was just fabulous in the movie!) Paul Sparks, (from Boardwalk Empire) and a few others were there with him, and it was much more formal - red carpet, press, Michael J Fox and Angelina Jolie there, etc.)
So, Wednesday's post-movie Q&A. Emboldened, I raised my hand to ask a question, and he called on me. I can't divulge the question without massive spoilers, but it was basically one asking about the aesthetic choice for something to do with his character, Howard, at the end of the movie. And well, the word "ugly" sort of came out. But in a funny way! I swear! He was all, "Now I'm heartbroken. That's me you're talking about!" but clearly good-natured about it.
Still, for the rest of the night,
bethbethbeth and I joked about how I insulted him and his artistic choices, because, well. :-P
So today, we were tweeting about Disney/ABC picking up the new S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot and, well, this happened:
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg I think they're milking it right now for the media buzz & hype. Disney owns ABC. Of course they're picking it up
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 @
midnitemarauder @
clarkgregg I know, I know, but don't hex things! (apparently I now believe in magical thinking *g*)
- bethbethbeth (@bethbethbeth01)
April 26, 2013 @
bethbethbeth01 Well after accidentally insulting @
clarkgregg the other nite, insulting Disney and ABC re blatant stupidity is no bother :-P
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 @
midnitemarauder @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg Wait, what?
- Laura (@bliss116)
April 26, 2013 @
bliss116 @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg Asking Q about Howard's *spoiler* at very end of movie the word "ugly" may have spilled out. I just...
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 @
bliss116 @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg ...I felt bad for Howard & thought he deserved something pretty, okay? :-P
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 @
midnitemarauder @
clarkgregg You already know I've decided to pretend I don't know you, and...who are you?
- bethbethbeth (@bethbethbeth01)
April 26, 2013 @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg I was flummoxed! I meant more grotesque in gothic way like the Peace Fountain at St John the Divine! (U <3 me!)
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg But I did love the motif!And maybe I'll shut up now ... :-P
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 @
midnitemarauder @
clarkgregg I can't believe we're still @-ing him in this conversation.*hides face*
- bethbethbeth (@bethbethbeth01)
April 26, 2013 @
bethbethbeth01 @
midnitemarauder @
clarkgregg Let's be real, he's probably busy right now and won't ever see this...and I've just jinxed it.
- Laura (@bliss116)
April 26, 2013 @
bliss116 @
bethbethbeth01 @
midnitemarauder @
clarkgregg That was an almost immediate jinxing. You need to channel your power for good.
- TBQ (@tbq_)
April 26, 2013 @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg (I'm having a "Lucy! You have some 'splaining to do!" moment! It's been haunting me for 2 days!)
- Lisa (@midnitemarauder)
April 26, 2013 And then there was this:
Stop, it was funny. RT @
midnitemarauder: @
bethbethbeth01 @
clarkgregg I'm having a "Lucy! "some 'splaining to do!" moment! haunting me 2 days
- Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg)
April 26, 2013 Okay, wait, I need the picture for this one in case it can't be seen in flist view, and really, what do I care if it posts twice anyway? Because!!
/end fangirl moment.
Oh, wait, who am I kidding?
So, in conclusion (as at the start) I am a ridiculous and pathetic fangirl, I know, because really, it's fucking TWITTER(!!) but I'm a HAPPY ridiculous and pathetic fangirl and I don't care! Also, did I mention HOW FUCKING ADORABLE HE IS?? You know, just in case you were wondering or in doubt.
Right. So how is your Friday going?
This entry was originally posted at
http://midnitemarauder.dreamwidth.org/412244.html if you prefer to comment there. (