Taking the plunge

Jun 10, 2012 15:47

So, I'm thinking about signing up for the marvel_bang. Movieverse Avengers (and supporting movies) of course. It's only a 10K word minimum, which as most of you probably know, I can do in my sleep. All I have to do is set out to write something short, and voila! :-P

Only, I don't exactly know what I want to write. *cue angsty emo squirming* Gah! It's ridiculous, really. I'm not generally prone to major bouts of insecurity about my writing. Not that I'm always supremely confident, but I tend to write the kinds of stories that I like to read myself, so there's usually someone else out there who will find it entertaining enough. It's more "OMG! New fandom!" panic, with the added bonus this time that it's first time I'd be writing for a non-book, non-anime/manga(/cartoon) fandom. But really, it's not like I haven't seen the source material(s) a bajillion times. *headdesk*

And then there's the "What to write?" panic. Do I want to write ♥TEAM!♥! gen, or with background ships? Or something shippy? Slash? Het? (which I haven't written since my Trixie Belden days, and even then, it was basically G rated!) But then which ships? Post-movie(s)? Pre-Avengers movie missing scenes? Continuing adventures? IT'S SO DAUNTING!!!

I have a lot of "You should write that!" ideas for, you know, other people to write. (For me, of course!) That's easy. ARGH! Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi! You're my only hope!

Well, there's still five days left to sign up.

Here, have a picture of my funky manicure that I got on Thursday. My nails were longer, but I had her cut them because they were starting to interfere with my typing. My nails grow like weeds and they're really strong, but that just means that when they do break, they break in painful ways - like, below the skin line. However, right now they're all ten the same length and pretty. *knocks on wood*

[My pretty nails]

Those are sparkles on the white nail. It's not deformed. :-P

the vile enabler voice in my head, whinging, inksheddings is an incorrigible enabler, avengers

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