Only we move to the other side. Some things are too good not to share, so thank you to whoever made this macro:
Also, who would have thought that there's a
World Masturbation Championship? (link goes to ONTD) Oh, internets! What would I do without you?
And speaking of kitties, which I actually wasn't, but if you watch the 3 minute video on the ONTD post, you'll understand why my kitty non sequitur is no such thing, I posted my
weiss_kreuzmas fic,
Cat's Paw, in which Yohji encounters a kitten.
I have two smutfics to finish this weekend, (and answer comments!) tomorrow I will have a
best_of_five, and this afternoon I can finally pick up my car from Jeep, who have had it for the past 2 1/2 weeks trying to fix the temperature thingy so that I can have more settings on my heat and a/c besides Really Fucking Hot and Really Fucking Cold. They tried to tell me that the temperature won't be able to change while my car is 'idling' and not actually driving, but I'm calling bullshit there, and we may have Words because I've owned (and leased) seven cars in the last seventeen twenty-seven years, and I've never heard of, much less encountered that kind of fuckery. Do not make me angry with you, Jeep!
But it's Friday, I'm almost done with my work for the week, and I don't have to work Monday. \o/