Prezzie are awesome, especially when they're for me!

Dec 13, 2011 16:34

weiss_kreuzmas, our yearly small gifts Weiss Kreuz fest, has started posting, so if you're interested in Kreuzmassy goodness, head on over for some tasty snacks!

I'm sortakindamaybe still working on my rs_small_gifts fic, which is also bite-sized


If you're a T-Rex. 15500 words and counting Which is why I haven't been reading anything over there yet. BUT!

My rs_small_gifts gift was posted yesterday, and it's the most adorable, awesome art ever, and I want to snuggle it forever and ever! trisstiss took up my "wild card challenge" of a crossover with any fandom or character in my profile interests, and chose Junjou Romantica!

The result is the aforementioned adorable, awesome, amazing, mini-manga art of glee: Christmas TV! Even if you don't know anything about Junjou, it won't matter. But for those who do, we haz a Suzuki-san and an Egoist scene of pure ♥, and a bit of Usagi!Sirius and Misaki!Remus! So please do check it out when you have a spare moment!

On the WTF work front, one of the vendors (a horse shipper) sent one of my clients a Christmas card. I never open those and just forward them on with their payroll and stuff. Turns out, the vendor stuck their bill inside the Christmas card, and my client didn't see it until after the monthly bills went out. But really - who sticks a bill inside a Christmas card? Seriously? Merry Christmas! You owe me $850!!! *headdesk*

I have to bring my car in to Jeep in a little while so that when I get it back, I will have more temperature settings besides REALLY FUCKING HOT and REALLY FUCKING COLD, and also the air will blow out of the proper vents and not decide on its own where it wants to come out despite which setting I put it on. Clearly Peeves has taken over the temperature controls in my car.

And then I shall be writing for the foreseeable future and not doing the bills I'm supposed to be doing. The question for the day is: do I break my 2 year dry spell and attempt to write smut, or do I cheat in the hopes of containing this monster in only two LJ posts and fade to black. (Or more like, do I incur the wrath of gryffindorj and best_of_five or do I say "Neener Neener you both live hundreds of miles away lalalalala"?) Decisions, decisions!

fic & art for meeeee!, recs, crossovers, remus/sirius, junjou romantica, fanart, fic & art exchanges, weiss kreuz

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