Holy crap - today is 30 years since my Bat Mitzvah! THIRTY YEARS!
I can still remember bits of it - the service at the temple, where I skipped a line in the Torah accidentally with the pointer and nearly messed up my whole reading. You're not allowed to touch the Torah with your hands, so they gave you this pointer thingy to use. I was so nervous, I skipped over a line, and it totally messed me up because I'd memorized my part, and what I was speaking was different from what I was reading. The Cantor had to nudge me, and I managed to salvage it, but even worse, my parents had it videotaped. Needless to say, I've NEVER watched that tape!
The party after was much more fun! (Ignoring my powder blue eye shadow which totally clashed with my burgundy dress with the dyed shoes to match... Fashion was never one of my strong suits.) My first whisky sours, which I nicked from my mom when she wasn't looking. Did I mention I was a terrible kid? At least I managed not to get sick.
But, OMG! 30 years! I feel old now.
Well, the only way to cure that is to completely regress, which, apparently, is what I've been doing, since the K-Pop thing is still eating my brain, and isn't letting up much. I can't stop watching
longleggedgit, you totally failed at reccing the crack!! Why was this not the number one video on your list??? :-P
And the biggest reason I love it is not just because they are total dorks - pretty dorks, mind! - but because of Yunho. He's dressed as a tiger, (shut up!) and look who he has on his shoulder!!
I ♥ Tigger! He's my favorite Disney character! (first pic is November, 1971 - age 4, second is December, 1996 - age 29, which, travesty that it is, is the last time I went to Disney World. Woe!)
Still waiting for two people to claim prompts at
weiss_kreuzmas so that my fab co-mod,
red_squared, and I can claim ours. And I have to think of some good prompts for
rs_small_gifts. I'm probably chickening out on Yuletide this year, though maybe I'll try to pick up a pinch hit or write a stocking stuffer. We'll see what December looks like. We (meaning me, red,
mindabbles, and
gryffindor_j) might also have something small planned for early November. If we get off our collective arses, and if I manage to finish the damn fic that's been sitting unfinished on my harddrive since 2006... At any rate, trying to write all of the above should be enough to keep me from any temptation of writing K-Pop fic... For now. (Oh, God! Make it stop! Raaaaachellllllll!!! *shakes fist*)
I bought apple cider today, and I think I need to go heat some up now. NOM NOM! So, how are all of you?