Recession = bad, so one would think getting more work from a client would be a good thing. And well, okay, it is. Except for the fact that everything has to be done RIGHT NOW and I've barely had a moment to myself in the last two weeks.
And it's mindless, booooring stuff that I have to do - namely inputting two years of information into the computer. For like seven different corporations! And I only have faxed bank statements to work from where the checks are 1/20th their original size and I had to go buy a bloody magnifying glass to read them. And the handwriting is bloody awful on top of that! I've had a perpetual headache for two weeks, my eyes hurt, and I think I've built up a tolerance to Extra Strength Tylenol. But hey - new insurance covers vision! If I can find the time to make an appointment.
Because, on top of all that, I finally got my new medical insurance cards. We switched from Oxford to Emblem because Oxford was charging astronomical rates - literally an increase of 300% in the premiums over the last couple of years. So I made a bunch of appointments with my doctors. Good thing, right? Except they're all NOW! (Plus I had my ongoing dental appointments - but thankfully the next one isn't until Sept.) And after a visit with my gastro doc, I need to go get blood tests, I need to do samples of a sort I won't mention in public, I need a CT enterography, another chest X-ray, and another PPD (tuberculosis) test. All of which I need to do next week. Plus I have a nutritionist appointment, a gynecologist appointment (which will lead to another mammogram appointment) and now I need to make an appointment with the eye doctor.
I'm being (or will soon be) poked and prodded in like every available orifice. Except my nose, but I'm sure something will come along to require that. Just...kill me now please.
I have a bunch of fandom stuff to do, I need to do my laundry before I run out of undies (and I have LOTS of them, so when I'm running low, I'm really in trouble), I need to clean my apartment before the dust and clutter war with each other over who gets to have dominion (and it doesn't help that my vacuum sort of went 'splodey, I still haven't replaced the rubber doo-dad thingy in the toilet tank so that when it flushes, it doesn't run for hours unless I jiggle the handle for 10 minutes, the lightbulb under my microwave blew out, and my kitchen ceiling light is starting to tease me by playing "maybe I'll turn on and maybe I won't". Oh, and the a/c in my bedroom (which is like 15 years old) is leaking like a mofo and I had to put an aluminum baking tin under it because I needed something that big to catch all the water.)
Oh - and my five-year-old nephew broke his arm at tennis camp this week. He's got a cast all the way from his wrist to his shoulder, poor thing.
So I think I'm going to have to suck it up and 1) bring my laundry to one of those laundry service places and have them do it for me (except my undies - I can't have other people washing/touching those! :-P) no matter how much it costs, and 2) Get a cleaning service to come in and rid me of the dust. (I'll have to do something about the clutter myself though because sadly, no matter how many times I try, Evanesco doesn't work. Right. And I'll get on that as soon as I can work it into my schedule. Heh.
And John Hughes died, which... I turned 13 in 1980. High School was 1981-1985, and college was 1985-1989. Those years were RULED by John Hughes movies and movie soundtracks. Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller, The Breakfast Club, Some Kind of Wonderful, Weird Science - those movies are so intricately intertwined with so many of my memories, and they defined so many of my teenage experiences that it's impossible to separate them.
And then I heard about Trisha -
simons_flower - passing, which was just shocking as well as sad. I didn't know her as well as many of you did, but she'd been a participant in
hp_springsmut and
snarry_games, a fabulous writer and a lovely, lovely person, and... *sigh* My heart goes out to her family and to all of you who knew her well. (Especially you,
madam_minnie. I'm so sorry for your loss *HUGS*)
Right then. Back to work. *needs moar coffee*