Happy Birthday,
juliette_kelley !
Hope you have a fantastic day, Jules!!
Haven't been keeping up with fic these past few days, so I've got a lot to catch up on! (Let me know if I missed something that I must read!) I was sick for a couple of days, so I didn't get to see Star Wars on Friday either. So instead, this weekend I watched the original trilogy and read a couple of my X-Wing Rogue/Wraith Squadron books. Yes, they're kinda cheesy, but I've got a thing for Wedge, Tycho, Face and Ton. Shut up.
Lot of interesting discussions and polls around the neighborhood lately as well. It just seems to me that there's always a lot of vehemence about what (and how) JKR should write, and how we all should (and do) perceive the characters, yet when it comes to fanfic, we're supposed to overlook what we perceive as unrealistic (or perhaps even laughable) because of the standards of individual interpretation. If we don't readily accept misleading information, authorial mistakes and inaccuracy in the canon, why do we so easily dismiss it in fanfic? JKR may be bad at maths, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to be. I think I'll shut up now.
I'll have some more music spam soon, too.