For the current challenge @
picspammy Thriller;
Such a classic, I had to include in this spam. If you arnt familiar with this dance, then you've probably been living under a rock for the past 25 years. Its exciting, thrilling, and just a fun dance to watch, and the moment Michael Jackson ARRIVED.
Beat It;
This sequence is everything it should be, it perfectly fits the tone and the feel of the video and is basically mesmerizing to watch. It really shows how athletic Michael was, and he could be...tough.
Remember The Time;
I love this entire video, but I really love the partner dance sequence. The backup dancers are awesome, and totally compliment Michael without staging him up. The choreography is simple, but effective and matches the tone of the video so well. Plus we get a lot of MJ face time...
Personally I think the dance sequences (and basically everything else) in this video are so seeeeexy. The isolation of his feet movements are amazing, the background dancers are all sorts of fiercness and Michael jumps and spins and runs with out even looking like its hard. I love this video so much its kind of ridiculous.
Smooth Criminal;
The entire video is just genius. The costumes, the storyline, the feel of the video and of course the dancing! I love the group sequence at the end and of course THE LEAN. So epic, it blows my mind every time I see it. There are so many moves in this video that would look ridiculous if anyone else did them, and MJ just owns it all. This is Michael at his best, I could watch this video on repeat FOREVER and I would still love it.
For your daily dose of all things MJ...