Lately I feel as if I have been so busy… but at the same time I feel like I have done nothing at all…
Last Thursday I woke up to some not so pleasant news… and then I didn’t feel like going to classes… so Sara and I went around town, hit up some Antonio’s - which I would totally love right about now.
Friday was Christi’s birthday… yay! A friend took me to the movies… and then after coming back, we got cleaned up… and then went out for the night… Sara, Linds, Billman and I hit up Dennis’ place and a few others for a party, but we just ended up staying at Dennis’ and I got to be bartender again… which I always love doing. Davey and I stayed behind the bar all night, and it was so funny because he was so smashed… so it was a riot.
Dave and I behind the Bar...
and then Brian and I over the bar...
Later that night… some shit went down… so we all went our different ways… sara decided that night to drink quite a bit… so I was playing babysitter for a little while… but I always love doing that because she does the best things ever. She was crawling all over the place and acted like a 3 year old who wanted to play - it was great.
Saturday we all woke up… sara at like 7 am for some reason… got cleaned up and hit up the soccer game to cheer on our boys. Sadly they lost to Maine 3-1 and they were pissed. I felt so bad for some of them, they were totally abused on the field… my friend Richie totally got wiped out at least twice… Ernie fucked up his shoulder - it was a sad day! After watching the boys lose, I went to the Hampshire Mall with Tersa because she needed to find an anniversary gift for her boy, so we kicked around there for a little while. After coming back to the room, I was starving and decided the DC was more important than the football game… so I ate with linds and some of her friends. After that, I came back up to the room… talked to mike for a good two hours while stringing up lights in the room… (I miss my Michael L ) and then got ready to go out. After the soccer game, sara went home for dinner, and wasn’t feeling well when she came back, so she stayed put… but Chaylen and I went down to SW for a little bit. We were going to go to a football party, but the football players decided to go to the bars instead, so it was just a night full of drinking, walking, and fighting… very interesting.
Yesterday was nice and quiet. I was exhausted ALL day long, so I just kinda chilled in the room, attempting to nap but that didn’t work… and then later brent came up and watched a movie.
As of right now… im one class deep… 2 more to go… then maybe ill hang out with paul, I don’t know… so have a nice day!