Mar 02, 2005 19:19
So today was an absolutely wretched day. I woke up feeling like I got hit by a Mack, and it just got progressively worse throughout the day. My mom agreed to drive me to the docs after I babysat, so I tried to why would I possibly think I would be able to do that in this house? I asked Aunt Carol to take me to the docs after I was done babysitting...she said no. I asked Mom the same thing, and she said yes, and yet SOMEHOW my mother is wrong according to Poppa. And not only is she wrong for not taking me to the docs right away, I deserve to get yelled at because I didnt demand that she take me right away? He was yelling at me all day, and everytime I tried to walk away he would scream louder, even though I told him I had a migraine and was not feeling well enough to argue. Then to top even that off, he calls me while I'm at Moms and the convo goes like this-
Poppa: what are you doing?
me: waiting for mom to get home
poppa: see, i told you she'd get you to babysit
me: i was always supposed to babysit, moms been trying to get this dentist appointment for a week
poppa: well what about the doctor?
me: shes taking me after she gets back, i told you that like 8 times
So now my head is hurting even worse then before, and I'm crying cuz I'm halfway to hating him. Bah.
Mom brought me to the walk in clinic and surprise surprise, I let my previous doctor jab a needle in me for no reason because I have the freaking flu -_- It's out of California and theres no anti virus for it, AND they dont want me to take any antibiotics for my throat cuz I just got finished taking some when I had that sinus infection, so they dont want me getting immune. I bought some throat spray,but basically I have to suffer through it until it works its way out of my system, or until it gets worse and I can take the meds. whoopedeefuckingdoo. I'm in such a terrible mood right now. I think I'll take like 3 tylenol and just pass right the fuck out in a couple hours. Peace.
**edit** because erica makes me smile
Darica - I've slept so long without you says:
LOL i am such a dingus
Darica - I've slept so long without you says:
i kept refreshing my lj page, and i was like "huh? how come nikki's comment isnt showing up?" and started logging in and out, thinking something was wrong with the server
Darica - I've slept so long without you says:
yeah, it was a dj comment
Tiger -kill me now says: