*To add onto kellys entry this weekend was awesome. it reminded me of all he good times me and those people have had. im going to miss everyone so much, i dont anna lose touch. im excited to go to college but scared ill lose touch of all my friends. ill just haveto find a way to keep touch. anyways heres the pics!
jeff trying to set up
elise and the tiki torch
fowler, splat, herb and em
splat and jeff
and more tiki pole dances
kel and biff
DEDICATED TO KELLY DUNGAN!!!!! this is what happens when you get trashed and leave your camera on the table
there were like 10 more but i only kept the good ones!
elise, newman and flagg
welch with wheat thins that rock
welch and his wheat thin bra on the only night he has ever been
this trashed
welch doing the teapot AGAIN
ok jay after he completely broke his chair in half HA
and welch pretending hes asleep on his broken chair... in case a range came by