San Francisco

Aug 18, 2004 20:53

Ok so... Friday afternoon Mike, Jenn and I started our drive to up north. We were going to San Francisco, but the person we were staying with lives in Chico. Now this person (we'll just call her Gilligan) told Jenn that Chico is only one and a half to two hours away from Frisco. So we thought ok thats not so bad. So we're driving this long ass freakin drive and it takes us like somewhere around 10 hours to get there.
It was quite and interesting ride. We watched for shooting stars and talked about goat poop. We were trying to figure out how goats eat anything and poop little tiny balls. Disgusting I know but our conversation had us cracking up at least a half an hour of the ride. So we finally get there around one thirty in the morning. After driving to the middle on nowhere. We sat and talked a bit then went to sleep around two. We decided we were gonna get up at 8 and leave by 9. I didn't fall asleep till almost 3 because it was freakin hot in the apartment and I don't sleep well in new places. Well we get up in the morning and we get out of there by 9:10. Not bad, only ten minutes later than planned. While I was getting ready Mike went and put water/coolant in the radiator of Gilligan's car. She had almost none in it. So finally we leave and we are driving through this little town. It's actually a cute little town. Kinda reminds you of downtown Pomona or downtown Fullerton. Except the whole town is that way. So we go to Gilligan's bank. Then to Starbucks. Then we attempt to find a wells fargo. One problem Gilligan only lived in this town three weeks and has no idea where anything else is. So finally we find a Wells Fargo ATM. So we go to turn in to the drive way. Well this driveway has a seperate entrance and exit. Gilligan has no idea what an exit is and attempts to turn into it. Then we stop at a Carls JR to use the bathroom. We eat some food and finally we are on the road to Frisco. So like I said before we are 2 hours away. So we are driving and driving and driving.... and about an hour and a half to two hours we stop to use the bathroom. WE ARE NOWHERE NEAR SAN FRANCISCO YET!!! As we got on the road Gilligan told us... "We're taking a short cut." So in this two hours we almost ran into like two different cars. (Gilligan can't drive.) Then as we are getting off the freeway to go use a bathroom she turns in front of another car. It was two turn lanes and she cut into the land next to us as she turned. Then yelled to the person honking, "It's not my fault I turned into your lane!" So we use the bathroom and as we leave Jenn takes the keys. She new that Gilligan was scaring the hell out of me. So we are driving a couple more hours and still aren't even close to San francisco. Mike and I started playing on our cell phones. We discovered that we have map quest on our phone. We are still an hour away according to mapquest. Well it takes another like 2 hours. According to mapquest it should have taken 3 hours and 5 minutes. Six hours later we finally made it to San Francisco. THREE IN THE AFTERNOON!! Not to mention as we were sitting in the traffic before the toll bridge everytime a motorcycle would drive by Gilligan would scream. I wanted to throw her out of the car. Unfortunately it was her car. So by this point I was extremely pissed of and disappointed. I was the only one who had never been there. So I was excited that I was gonna get to see all this stuff I had been hearing about the past month. We got to spend a whole 5 hours there. And we never got to leave Fishermans Warf. Not that I didn't have fun. I got to see the Sea Lions. Which are so cute. And we took some pictures. I ate at Hard Rock for the first time. Mike and I bought salt water taffy. Then we had to leave. Gilligan got a call while we were there that her Mom went to the hospital for chest pains, but was fine. She wanted us to drive to Plasserville and sit with her for a couple hours while we went shopping or something. The only thing in the town is a Wal-Mart. We weren't about to go stand around a Wal-Mart for 2 hours. So Mike, Jenn and I decided we would just drive all the way back to Chico and then we would leave for home. We went by mapquest directions this time. Gilligan proceeded to tell us that we shouldn't go that way because it takes longer. Her six hour short cut was suppose to be quicker. So much for a 2 hour drive. Using mapquest directions we got back in less than 3 hours. We got our stuff and headed out. She was going to leave us in her apartment and have us leave the key under the mat in the morning. But we didn't feel right staying in someones place with no one home and what would have happened if one of her roomates happened to come home early to find us there, bu tnot anyone who lives there. So we drove out of town about an hour then stopped to get a room. We were too tired to make the 9 hour trip home. First we went to Holiday Inn. NO VACANCY. Then we went to some place called Grizels Inn (I think I spelled this wrong.) I was convinced it was where the witch from Hanzel and Gretel lives and that she was gonna try to stick us in the oven. We walked in and there was a lady sitting there with her feet up on a chair. She didn't even move until we stood there for a minute. Then she asked if she can help us. Mike told her "yeah we want to get a room." she says, "ok but all we have is smoking." Jenn and I say thats ok so Mike tells her thats fine. her response is, "They are really smoky." In a very snobby way. So we say nevermind. I don't think she wanted to help us. And the smoking rooms were probably very smoky because thats where she put all the people in the oven. Evil Bitch! So we go over to the Comfort Inn and get a room. We all get ready for bed amd decide what time we are getting up. Then we were all asleep. We hadn't had much sleep and being in a car forever doesn't help. None of us wanted to wake up in the morning. The only problem with the room was that the grout in the shower had mold. O'well.. It was another little town. With like a population of 15 people. Maybe they don't have maids. So we go to Denny's for breakfast before hitting the road. It was the nicest service ever. Except that they are retarded and billed our credit card twice. On the way home we stopped like 50 million times to use the bathroom. I think none of us wanted to be in the car. Mike was finally tired of driving so we stopped a little before bakersfield and I drove through the grapevine and to Jenn's. He drove us home from there. Mike and I stopped at my parent's house on the way home for a few minutes and it was about 9:45 when we finally got home. So as you can tell our mini vacation was more driving than vacationing. We are planning on going again so I can actually see the town. We are gonna either stay in town or just above it though. Maybe in November for Mike's birthday.
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