had my 'interview' this morning
and oh man, my legs hurt like MAD.
and kena blister again. ROAR!
blister nvm, in the end, dont even have interview!
cos i dumbly click advisory instead of assurance
when i applied for pwc
did i? i cant remb.
maybe tt time i thot advisory means audit! damn.
but i really tt blur meh.
the advisory partner was like
'let me cfm w u 1st. u applying for IT audit?'
i was like 'er no'
'i wrote audit junior'
when wth, is click one lors, not type one. PAISEH LA.
aiyo, seriously i suck man.
in the end he felt bad for making me come all the way down and ask
'what qns do u have abt pwc?'
i just asked abt corp culture and like why he chose pwc.
then like awkward liao i dont noe what else to ask
then he was like 'oh since u are in town, i bet u are going to do some shopping'
then i was like 'oh i meeting my fwen for lunch'
'oh tt is too early for lunch'. PAISEH.
HAIS. basically, to sum it up
i have to go back again
and will the HR hurry call me?
and i think EY HR must be pissed off w me. they just called and schedule me on mon 10am
but i got class leh! TIAN AHHHH! so she say call me back!
oh wells.
at least i had nice lunch.
nice company.
i ate the amoy wanton mee and PIAO JI fish soup.
the legendary fish soup. the famous one! haha. RIGHT AUDREY?
NICE MAN. but $3.50. EX.
the fish can 'jump'! YUMS!
and the soup is nice! HAO CHI.
the wanton mee so many wanton! NICE!
but the fried wanton seemed to have shrank in size and numbers.
and it is 3 bucks now! goodnessssss.
ok la stop complaining.
gonna napppp now. damn tired.