sentosa and yvonne 21st

Dec 31, 2007 00:31

went to sentosa today
and took pics with the cubes!
finally! so happy la! SILOSO cubes!
ya ya i noe i am damn slow! but at least i took right! happy! :) haha.
had a pretty good time at sentosa i got to say. :)

then went to yvonne's 21st party.
retro sia her outfit. but yea tt is yvonne leh. haha.
didnt take any pics w my camera there.
cos youie was parading her 8 megapixel fujifilm camera.
cant stand! haha.
so miss you, send me the pics!!!!

ah hee gave me the paddle he made.
ah hee is my db coach.
someone whom i respect utmost but i dont really noe what to talk to him abt. haha.
yea he hand CARVED the paddle and spray painted and lacquered it :)
thanks ah hee :) though i noe for sure he wont be reading this.
thanks for all the chances he gave me during my 2 years in db.
some proved, some lost.
it has been a long 2 years in db.
and it is time to move on and conc on my studies and other aspects of life.
i will go visit u guys during MR 500 and JUNE RACE :)
training is so so xiong now.
they rowed nonstop for ONE HOUR today. and they do a lot of PT and etc.
i am very sure that they are on their way to lifting the cup in june/july 2008 :)
jiayous phoenix :)

and on a more ANGRY NOTE
stupid lee xiaohong and ted and rower gan
gave me some $42.90
for my 21st bdae gift! CHECK IT OUT! slap her sia!
but i hope it works :) thanks ss phoenix! :)
must figure out how to use first! haha.

ok check out some of the pics.
and ljh sent me the arrival pics we took at sgp changi airport on 23 december 2007.

13 of us! china eastern. MU 545!

this year's experience singlet. thanks xh for paying for me! wahahahaha.

thanks ah hee :) it states "LITING"

and "龍舟" "21". HAND CARVED. DIY can!

e present!

L'OREAL leh!

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