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Jun 15, 2005 02:02

Sunday So after work my mom n john came to pick me up and we got into another fight again. because they were both wasted. and this was right after i had a talk with my mom the other night. and so i was pissed at her. so john was mad at her i guess because she hugged another guy so they were fighting in the car. and so we went home to drop off john and then my mom and i went to pick up Susan because she was spending the night. and we were screaming at eachother in the car on the way there and on the way back. and when we got home me n susan went skateboarding because i couldnt stand to be in there. and i was just so mad at everything. about her and john and jt and all that other stuff. and so we went skateboarding for like an hour and we talked about all this stuff that has happened to her and what was bugging me and so that made me feel alot better. we came back inside and my mom was on the couch passed out. so we went on the computer and looked at some stuff for a while and colored on our skateboards. n then she woke up and i guess i was giving her attitude so we got into another fight and i said fuck you to her and she started screaming at me and calling me all these names and bringing up all this stuff that she didnt know what she was talking about and then she went to bed. n then me n susan started talking and i went and appoligized to her and we had a long talk and now things are better. but i dont know how long that will last.

Monday We woke up at like 11 and we watched out video that we took to the mall.. the funniest thing ever! then we went outside and tanya was comming over and so we went over to her house and we talked to her mom for a little bit and then we went to burger king and susan pounded on a ketchup packet and it hit this old guy in the side of the face. it was so funny. and he wouldnt wipe it off. he just let it sit there haha... n then we went back to tanya's house and we decided that we were going to go to susan's aunt's house. so we skateboarded there n then we talked to her for a little bit about some stuff that has been bothering me. shes such a good listener and shes so awesome. we watched the kids for a little bit and we just hung out. then my mom wanted to go out to dinner with me so we went to panera and then we went home and i took a shower and i got some stuff because we were gonna spend the night over there. so when i went back over there we all went up to the video store and we got this movie that was so gayyy.. but it was still scary. n then after we got done watching that we all went outside and we were gonna walk over to anthony's house because tanya missed him but we couldnt because we didnt want susan's aunt to wake up and we not be there so we just talked outside for a little bit and then we went back inside and we watched some tv n then we went to bed.

Today We woke up n then we watched some tv n then we folded the blankets and we walked home. susan came over and took a shower and then her mom picked her up. then i cleaned my room and im gonna go take a shower. and i think at like 5 i have to go to a funeral. im so tireddddd

When a GiRL says 'i miss you'
No one in this world can miss you more than that
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