Jan 13, 2009 23:27
Basically, I've reached another step towards adulthood. Real adulthood. Being completely independent adulthood.
I'm moving into an apartment.
And I did it without anybody's help. Well, the physical bit involving all of my garbage, I'm going to need some man strength, but as far as the steps it took to get the apartment, all me.
I am really loving life right now. Because I've learned first hand that you never know what you'll get unless you just ask. During the end of last term, when I just knew things weren't going to resolve themselves, I didn't talk to anybody who could do anything. I just bitched to my family and friends. I don't think I'll ever stop bitching, but for the next problems I have involving something I can't fix on my own, I'll know that asking never hurts, and it can definitely help.
So it's this one bedroom, one bathroom apartment in downtown Naperville (right near the campus). I'll have a roomie (whom I hope to meet within the next two days); she's a senior and she's an actuary science/finance major (woo finance!). Theoretically, being a senior, she should be a better person to live with, but who really knows. I snooped her on Facebook, and she seems pretty cool. We have a lot of the same interests. According to her pics, she also seems like a drinker and a smoker, but I don't mind that (she's 22 and can do what she wants). Just so long as I've got some quiet time to study.
No meal plan. Unless I want one. I don't. I want to be forced to cook meals for myself. Otherwise I'll never learn. There's utilities. Just internet, phone, and cable. I would assume she has cable and internet, but I'll double check on that. Essentially, the room costs $125 more per term than Patterson, but without a meal plan (fucking $872 per term. Who eats $872 worth of food in less than three months?), it's cheaper per term. Well, it's less to pay up front with my NCC bill.
This should, theoretically, be a much better environment for me. If not? Well, then I'm kinda stuck. I can't keep moving around because I'm not happy. Sometimes shit just sucks. But right now, I have the opportunity to get the hell out of a place I'm not happy in. I want a real KITCHEN to do my dishes in, not a sink in a bathroom down the hall. I want a bathroom where complete strangers aren't around when I'm doing my bizznass and being neked and stuff. I want to be able to cook. I know how to read, but I just want to learn to make my own meals for once. It'll be a valuable skill, someday. Call me crazy, but I want to have bills. Yes. I want bills! I want to pay for my internets and television programs! I'm going to have to eventually, right?
I want to test drive being on my own. That's how they market dorm life at North Central College. To be honest, living in a dorm can't be anything like living on your own. You've got a mommy figure (RA) overseeing your behavior all the time, and so much is just handed to you. It's kind of sad.
But the bottom line is that I'm done with that. Over this weekend, I will be the proud leaser of a cute little downtown apartment. Bring it on, life. Show me what you've got.
just ask,