Jul 05, 2005 00:52
well today was cool, i slept in, then went to my aunt and uncle's house for a bbq and my little cousin made fun of me cause I ran away from a fuzzy bee. Then I went with Emily down to Jack London for the july 4th shindig and we watched the fireworks and ran into Brittany. When Emm and I were watching the fireworks we got all depressed, why are fireworks so depressing? I have no idea. Then we got stuck in horrible traffic. Not fun. sorry i dont really feel like writing much. im about to go a la cama.
I was looking through my old entries and I found that conversation with Schlomo, Helmut, and Guido hahahaha Audra and I were pissing Evan off so much I'm reading it over and I'm laughing so hard, damn me and Audra are funny! hahaha.
Budhaismybuddy: Her forehead as big as my windshield of high class german automobile
hahahaha the infamous line. oy givault.