Jun 14, 2005 21:23
Schools almost over!! Soooo excited. All day I signed yearbooks and got mine signed. duh. Brittany officially wins for most inappropriate/most likely to bring back memories when i read it in 10 years yearbook signing EVER hahaha. It reads, and I quote:
"My little padawan Ani,
We had some challenges this year...being pope and the devil's gate keepers was a heavy load...but hey, at least we both sucked some dick!!
Your butt lover,
Master Kenobi"
just another reason that I love Brittany.
but hahahahaha imagine how I'm gonna explain THAT one to my kids one day.
(and yes we are the pope [pepe martinez the 5th bitches!]. yes we're star wars characters. yes we're the gatekeepers of hell and we have a hells express tricycle. yes you're jealous)
Tonight I went to my cousin's (Danielle) 8th grade graduation. I cant believe shes going to high school. I always think she's still 10 or something, still a 6th grader. Gahhh time goes so fast!!! I'm really proud of her, she had straight A's all through middle school and she got an award for it tonight, and she also got to make a speech (only 3 people got to so thats pretty rad). and omg so when I was at her school a few weeks ago for her jazz band concert I saw the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen that wasnt famous or something, and I was pretty much ogling him all night and i figured i was never gonna see him again but he was there tonight! I guess he had a family member graduating too. So I made my little cousin (Eric) run around with me so I had an excuse to go ogle him again without looking like a fool hahaha. i'm slick. but seriously. all I know about him is that he goes to Acalanes and if I wasnt 90% sure he was a senior this year I'd so be visiting there like every day next year haha. well i'm off now, im tired. as always. am i ever not tired? i dont think so.