Jun 12, 2002 01:03
Okay, so where I left off was approximately saturday night/sunday morning.....
After a lovely sleep, Julia and I took Willy and Leo downtown for a walk. It was swelteringly (I don't even know if that is a word) hot, so the walk was cut short. It is truly amazing how many people will come up to you if you have a dog, and better yet, if you have a dog and a puppy. We were going to go by NTassios, but the sign on the door proved otherwise. Here says the sign "NTassios will be closed June 9th due to post Fashion Show trauma. Sorry :(." I thought that was humorous. So we strolled, at a fast pace due to the dogs, down to Lucky and visited for awhile. We returned home and decided to take a nap, yet that was unsuccessful as we lay there talking for about an hour and a half. After the second stomach grawl each, Julia and I decided that it was time to feed ourselved. All we had eaten the entire day was a few slices of french bread with olive oil and garlic (yuuuuummy). We decided on italian and La Fontana was our destination. Julia's mom suggested we call and get a reservation just in case it was crowded. Good thing we followed her advice. La Fontana's was not open on Sunday!! Can you believe it. This weekend was full of unexpected cancellations! So we took Julia's advice on a new Italian eatery downtown called Bocco's. We made the treck only to find it swamped with tourists! Amazing, I don't even live in Charleston yet, but I already despise tourists! I am such a hypocrit! Well what to do now....Julia suggested the Meditteranean Cafe. I said sure...nothing to lose. But guess what! It was closed as well! Strike three....this was getting to be quite a predicament. Luckily Julia was craving Italian so badly that she suggested cooking our own meal. My mom makes italian dishes all the time out of Diorgino ready to make pasta....so we went to Publix and made ourselves a wonderful and cheap feast! We were both impressed with the outcome, as were Julia's parents. Dessert was not nearly as complicated....ice cream out of the carton! I hadn't done that in forever! We went to pick up Cara from a birthday party in Mount Pleasant and came home, chit-chatted, played audience to Cara's character-sketch comedy routine of Shaniqua, laughed until we almost peed ourselves and went to bed.
Sunday morning was bright and early rising. Julia and I got up at 6:30, or should I say Julia got up at 6:30. I got up at 6:45. Chatted with her parents for awhile and then headed out.....Julia on her way to school, me on my way home. I arrived in Aiken at 10:00....again making good time. I have the trip down to an art. Mom gave me some medicine for my throat...darn allergies and I headed to bed. I woke up, went to work and then out to eat with my friends from waay back (I am talking 3yrs old) Elizabeth and Lindsey and hung out at Elizabeth's house after eating. We had planned on watching a movie, but talking and catching up led to no movie wathcing for that night. Luckily Elizabeth lives right next door to me, so all I had to do was walk across her backyard and I was home.
Today was spent cleaning, going to the gym, work and more cleaning. All the wedding preparation is killing me. And worst of all, I am losing my voice! AHHHHH!