Random Quizzy Type Thing

Feb 25, 2010 18:27

ONE - Spell your name without vowels. Ncl Bttrs
TWO - Are you single? Nope.
THREE - Whats your favorite number? #3
FOUR - What color do you wear most? Black or blue.
FIVE - Least favorite color? Orange and most warm colors.
SIX - Favorite candy? I'm gonna have to say Jelly Babies.
SEVEN - What do you smoke? Smoke?
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now? Eh, could definitely be better. =/
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? Not that I know of.
TEN - What is/was your favorite class in school? History, Creative Writing or something artistic
ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/DC/Bluenotes? Where?
TWELVE - How do you make money? The same way most people do. I toil at work for hours on end and pray they can be assed to pay me.
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend? My hubby.
FOURTEEN - Where do/did you go to school? Erm, which type of school? Most recent was Glendale Community College. High School was Peoria Accelerated High School.
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing? Kinda. I'm getting better about being less shy.
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you? Compassionate.
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes? My slippers.
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses? Nope. No sunnies for me.
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now? Soemwhere a bit warmer and a bit less rainy.
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now? Nothing. Though I should possibly get on SL and read the recent 'novella' produced by my Apprentice...
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Nope.

Honestly, what color is your underwear? Black with white lace
Honestly, what's on your mind right now? Concern about my hubby and the idiots which have now caused him to be fucked over and the fact that aforementioned idiots are going to cause him to miss his great uncle's funeral next week AND miss seeing his aunt and uncle whom are visiting from Oz.
Honestly, what are you doing right now? Filling out this quiz, duh.
Honestly, have you done something bad today? Only if thinking bad thoughts about people is bad.
Honestly, do you watch Disney channel? I used to. But not any more.
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Probably Luke yesterday.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? No one person directly.
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Most of the time? My boss and my father-in-law.
Honestly, do you bite your nails? I nibble, but never bite. And certainly don't bite OFF.
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Kinda.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? No.
Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? No one that I consider a friend, no. A few acquaintances that I'm not always fond of though.

THE CANS: (yes or no answers. No depends, or maybe, or sometimes)
Can you blow a bubble? Yes.
Can you dance? Not really.
Can you do a cart wheel? No.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? No. Never tried.
Can you whistle? Yes.
Can you wiggle your ears? No.
Can you wiggle your nose? Yes.
Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? No.

What do you do when you’re mad? I withdraw and try not to unleash it on people not at fault. Angry music and RPing sometimes help too.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Hit my hubby and threw things at him.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes.

Ever really cried your heart out? Yes.
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? Yes.
Ever cried over the opposite sex? Yes.
Ever cried over the same sex? Yes.
Do you cry when you get an injury? Depends on the injury.
Do certain songs make you cry? Yes.
Do certain movies make you cry? Yes.

Are you usually a happy person? Yes.
What makes you the happiest? Spending time with my friends and family, and my hubby especially.
Does being with your friends make you happy? Yes.
Do you believe in yourself? Not all the time.
Do you wish you were happier? Yes.
Is being happy overrated? Never. Happiness (or at least smiles) are the only gifts that really keep giving.
Can music make you happy? Yes.

How many times have you had your heart broken? Enough times to have learned from it.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them? Yes.
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said ‘I love you’? Yes.

Do you actually hate anyone? Not hate, but strongly dislike.
Ever made a hit list? It's been known to happen...
Have you ever been on a hit list? Quite likely, knowing some of my exes...
Are you a mean bully? Nope.
Do you hate George Bush? Hate, no. But he's an idiot.

Is your self-esteem extremely low? It can be.
Are you good looking? I'm told I am. :P
Do you wish you could be someone else? Not really. I'd rather stay myself with a few bigger and better additions. (Like a better job, house, etc.)

What is your current hair color? Dark brown
Current piercings? Four ear piercings, two per ear.
Have any tattoos? One on my outer right ankle.
Straight hair or curly? Mostly straight with a semi-prominant wave when left completely to it's own devices.

What shirt are you wearing? A black long-sleeved one.
Shoes? None right now, just socks.
Necklace(s)? My Goddess pendant and my tiger's eye.

Hugged someone? Yup.
Been on the phone until the sun came up? On enough occasions.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? It's been close, but never all the way.
Laughed so hard you cried? Mhmm
Got in a fight with someone? Yes.

Person you talked to in person? Luke.
Person you talked to online? Dean and Ikari (stopped talking to them at about the same time.)
Person you hugged? Luke.

Do you like surveys? Most of the time.
Do you get along with your parents? Yes.
Do you have mental breakdowns? Erm... I suppose they could be called that...

Current mood: Upset.
Current music: None.
Current hair style: Pulled back in a bun.
Current crush: My hubby.
Current thing I ought to be doing: Didn't we already cover this? Nothing I should really be doing, but it might be worth getting on SL at some point soon.
Current windows open: Just this one.
Current desktop picture: A white tiger cub.

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? Not exactly a 'fist' fight, but definitely fights.
Did you ever run away from home? Not seriously.
Did you ever want to be a doctor? Nope.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? Nope.

Do you know how to swim? Yes.
Do you like roller coasters? Not really...
Do you own a bike? Not anymore. But I'd like to get one again soon.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? Probably not.

Does hair loss run in your family at all? Not that I'm aware of.
Does your car get good gas mileage? Don't have a car of my own.
Does your family have family picnics? From time to time.

Have you ever been on a plane? Yep
Have you ever been to the ocean? Yep.
Have you ever painted your nails? Yep.

How tall are you? 5'3"
How much money do you have on you right now? On me? Fuck all. Available to me? Never enough.

Last person you hung out with? Ollie and Sheep
Last thing someone said to you? I can't remember the exact wording now. Was Luke that said it though.

What are you listening to? Nothing at the moment.
What is the weather outside? Rainy and miserable
What radio station do you listen to? I don't usually listen to the radio.
What was the last restaurant you ate at? TGI Fridays, courtesy of work.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Unless you count the water that went to bed with me... A smoothie concoction.
What was the last movie you watched? The first half of The Road to El Dorado
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