May 05, 2005 20:20
He makes my world all groovy
as i feed him beauty
He treats me like a gypsy queen underneath the moons luminescent glowing
i kiss him on the stroke of midnight, every night
when he bows to my soul.
I listen to his heart beat over and over
when he is living in a dream I am lying awake breathing in his nightmare of reality.
Just promise not to die without me i silently plead inside my head
this thought fades into the corners of the room where darkness screams
where i lay wide awake in this hell bound world
struggeling to live on my own, by myself, it's easier to die
i know that when i close my eyes to meet you there... i will want to stay in this haven of you FOREVER my sinner
my lovely, my smile...
I'll meet you there...
for eternity.
the monsters creep around me
dwell choke and surround me
inside, outside
fingers so teasing to please
faces so blurry in my memory
where did you run off to?
suddenly i am able to just let go
of all the monsters that are addicting me
attracting me, leading me nowhere
on a path of dementia.
who are you today?
who were you yesterday? and the day before?
who were you when you admired killing yourself?
who were you the day you lost your first tooth?
who am i today?
just... who am i... who have i become...
for today and tomorrow as well...
Just who do you think you are
telling me i should believe in your fear
your so called god, the holy figure that
your church has made up in search of a crutch
to clutch onto, in turn of a false savior
brainwashed little fucks
don't judge me, don't look at me to tell me i should be saved
by your god, not mine
Don't pity me for you are a sinner also, too simple minded
to understand my religion, to even question what i believe in
For the frightening opinion i have formed on my own
i will not explain because god damnit you
won't listen to a word i say, you will walk away in disgust
you won't step a fucking minute in my shoes, you will overlook
the world as it is, and think you know everything
you won't hand out a single dollar to someone in need
of life, of starvation, of freezing to death
You will just pass them by and sneer, thinking, what 100 $ shoes should i buy to match my outfit?
you are greedy and hypocritical.
leave me to be as i am.
i will not conform to become you.
so don't preach on me.
underneath the luminous sky
lie a thousand dead pixies
awake for the midnight sacrifice
abandoned and slightly forsaken
i fly through the night without an appearance
i hide in the willows branches that weep and bleed
i sleep with the shadows, never opening my eyes to the light
the ravens overhead call out my name, they becken me away
from all of the pain, the air is dead and crisp as I
land upon a pile of fallen leaves, left there to rott
waiting for winters breath, once again where has the sun gone?
i blink and pinch my skin, scratch and tear myself apart
am i alive?
or is the world swallowing me tonight... into a black hole...
where i'm falling downward from the sky
i touch all the stars in the galaxy
and close my eyes to reality.
he's scratching apart his skin, the frailty left over
with nothing but a skeletel frame and a proud grin
self destructive by nature, he strokes at his bones in
rememberance of his forgotten love, the bones he didn't support
enough to grow warmth. a girl he forbid himself from falling for
the distaste of not being there. not caring enough to eat himself.
the day she died in a hospital with tubes down her throat, 50 lbs
of crushed weight, he whispers to her photograph
you are a dead butterfly i'll keep your wings forever for you give me
the strenth to fly on to find you in the end
just give me a few more pounds, and i'll be with you
he shoves his dinner plate away and goes to sleep, his dream demon
whisperrssss SHHH DONT TELL A SOUL keep THIS SECRET with you
Keep it barRedside of a CAge
don't let the wild beast rattle and shake