Nov 06, 2012 14:54
< lj user="nex0s"> was going through all our CDs and putting them into albums to consolidate our collection. I have 2 copies of Diamanda Galas' album La Serpenta Canta. One is signed from her. That one we kept. I took the other and brought it to work to put on my work computer.
I know and met Diamada through my x-girlfriend Alison. She did lighting design for Diamanda for several tours. They worked really well together. I remember this album because Alison was helping put pick the live tracks for the CD. She was also holding Diamnda's hand for part of the process as Diamanda's life was a bit crazy at that point. Alison and I took a road trip to wineries in Pennsylvania and listened to all the tracks. I gave my thoughts and opinions. A month or so later I helped out at the photo shoot at Diamanda's apartment building.
I must have helped more than I thought as I noticed and since must have forgotten my name in the credits of the inside of the CD. Albeit misspelled bit that is fine by me.
I helped with a few shows with set design and such. Plus lent some props for the stage and other things. I also photographed many of the shows for Alison's portfolio. All those experiences were pretty awesome. I did it for fun and art and not any profit.
Alison and Diamanda had a falling out. One I had to witness and get to collateral damage for while shooting in San Francisco. In the end I love the album. I love one song so much I want to do a goth art/burlesque number to one of the songs. I just need to build an electric chair for it. Maybe next summer. That will be my pet project. =)
I am Jack's history being documented in the liner notes of other people's lives...
diamanda galas