Nov 17, 2011 20:24
Dear TD Bank,
It was nice knowing you when you were nice. After December you will charge me $9 each time I use my debit card to purchase anything after my first 6 Purchase. So purchase #7 I am charged $9 by you. Purchase #8 I am charged $9 by you. No thank you!
Hello Credit Union. I will be your new customer as I NOT going to get BLED DRY by the banking system. I will use my consumer power to now bank with people who treat me like a valued customer. NOT a resource to further supply the Bank's share holders with another luxury item from your unscrupulous profits.
I will urge all my friends who I brought to you as customers to move their money into another financial institution. I hope the lack of our money will help you further your goal to bleed the people dry. You showed your true face and it is really ugly. Ugly on the inside.
Good night, and good luck.