So, as I've mentioned here at least once, I've been spending many, many hours of my workday reading short fiction. And I've read some pretty awesome stories. So I thought I'd make a post of highlights so interested parties can seek out the stories for themselves. And also because I'm bored. A lot of these stories aren't recently published--I've been working through a few magazines I've owned for years--but they're all awesome. If it's online, I'll link it.
Peter M. Ball,
"On the Finding of Photographs of My Former Loves," Fantasy Magazine, June 2008 - I think I liked this because it reminded me of the way my favorite Quiver author writes.
J. Kathleen Cheney,
"Masks of War," Fantasy Magazine, July 2008 - I love the concept, very creepy yet also strangely uplifting
Graham Edwards, "Syren," Realms of Fantasy, February 2007 - I love the main character's voice--he made me laugh, and the story was vivid and exciting.
Alethea Kontis, "Sunday," Realms of Fantasy, October 2006 - This is a cute fairytale story. I like cute fairytales.
Alexandra MacKenzie,
"Walking Across the Bomb," Abyss & Apex, Issue 27 - Love the concept and its execution in the story.
Will McIntosh, "Followed," Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet 18 (June 2006) - Bought this magazine because my friend
jwzero has a story in it, then didn't bother to read the rest until now. Most of the stories are too bizarre for my taste, but I loved this one almost more than any other on this list. Creepy and imaginable and touching. And it's about zombies. Who doesn't love zombies?
Will McIntosh,
"One Paper Airplane Graffito Love Note," Strange Horizons, October 2007 - I looked this up after reading "Followed," and loved this one too (though not quite as much as "Followed").
Meghan McCarron,
"The Magician's House," Strange Horizons, July 2008 - Can't really articulate why I liked this one so much. It really resonated with me though. Great coming of age story.
E. Catherine Tobler,
"The Lodger at Wintertide," Fantasy Magazine, June 2008 - This reads almost more like a romance than a fantasy, but it's a really well-done romance, in my opinion.