My story is at approximately 900 words, and it's scary. Meaning that writing it scares me, not that it's horror or anything. I've a feeling it's not going to be one of my better stories, but that's okay. It would make a kickass novel, so maybe I'll try that. Or not, since I'm someone who enjoys instant gratification. Novels are very emphatically not instantly gratifying.
On the other hand, Ann, who makes amazing chocolate chip cookies (constantly...I've eaten like eight today alone) and has received upwards of five book dedications because of her mad critiquing skillz, read "Erased" and says it's good enough to send out. Squee! She also told me to send it to the same place Jeannette has been getting published (
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, if you're curious). I came up with this brilliant idea to put copies of the story on a table with a note saying "Critique Me" and people have. I put three copies on the table last night, and they were all gone when I woke up this morning.
Apologies for all the "Erased" babble. As you may have noticed, I really quite like that story.
I watched the first episode of "Firefly" tonight, with most of the workshop, then forced myself away to write. I really want to watch more. Reallyalot. The humor is priceless. I don't even really care about any of the other supposedly brilliant aspects of the show. But it's worth it for the humor.
Alpha is love.