I am disappointed in the
Jesus fanlisting. I like Jesus, I think he was a cool guy, so I naturally wanted to join the fanlisting. However, my options for code buttons are a picture of some white dude on a cross being all agonized or a picture of a fish with the word "savior." Neither of those represents my opinion of Jesus. Because while I think he was cool, I don't think that his death absolved me of sin and that I should go eat his body and drink his blood every Sunday or whatever. I think he was an awesome, englightened guy who was millenia ahead of his time. And while it's fine if other people want to think of Jesus as their savior, the Jesus fanlisting should be more objective. If I want to be a fan of Jesus as a historical/mythological figure, that should be okay and there should be a little picture to represent my vision of him.
Also, I'm upset that the fanlisting is firmly ensconced in the "Mythology/Religion" category. It should definitely be cross-referenced with the History/Royalty category so that people like me, who appreciate Jesus as a historical rather than as a religious figure can also show their appreciation. Because you really don't have to be a Christian to appreciate the fact that Jesus rocked.