Send in the Quotes from The Veela Enigma!

Nov 25, 2006 19:39

From The Veela Enigma by jennavere:[...]
"Draco, son, we're switching teams."

"Um, not to be rude or anything, but I switched teams years ago, remember?  I've never liked girls."

Lucius blinked a couple times.  "That wasn't what I meant."
[...] -Chapter 1
Lucius shook his head.  So he had a preternaturally gorgeous son who also happened to be flamingly gay.  Rather a loss for the witches of the world, but this was by far the least of his worries.
[...] -Chapter 1
[...] Every student in the compartment was staring at him the same way, with a mix of lust and awe, like he was seventy inch slab of the world's most coveted chocolate. [...] -Chapter 2
[...] He could have lived with wanting Potter for his body, for a one-night stand, for just sex, but he wanted Harry for so much more.  He wanted to be the one to make him laugh, to hold him when he cried, to see what he looked like first thing in the morning... [...] -Chapter 2
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