Busy weekend. Tired now.

Feb 09, 2015 20:43

It's been a busy but good weekend here. Seraphina's first horse show kept Team Clocktower going at full steam from Friday onwards. It was worth the getting up at 6 a.m. so I could be out at the farm by 7:30 to help Nicole get the horses fed and out in time for us to rush over to Thunderbird to watch Sera's tests. She was first to go on Saturday, and second on Sunday, so she was in the arena by 8:30. She did us proud both days; we are so proud of her we could burst. First show, first time sleeping over in a place that wasn't home, and she was so good. Won a third place ribbon on Saturday, and on Sunday she won another. The show was basically a schooling show for the young horses, so they were allowed to do two tests back to back. To keep it fair, only the first test was judged for the ribbons, and she came within a point or two of winning the class. The second test was a lot better, and she got wonderful comments, and a 9 (out of 10) for her gaits! We were stunned, because hardly any horse gets that kind of score for their gaits, ever. Our trainer was thrilled. The judge wrote on her score sheet that Sera was a lovely horse, with great potential. We went home feeling very happy indeed. We're looking forward to the next Gateway show in March.

Today was Nicole's day off, so we had the barn work to do. It was a real workout; I cleaned 7 stalls, and they were pretty dirty. Thank heavens Jack was there to push the wheelbarrows up the manure pile, I don't know if I would have had the energy. We were ready for a sit down at the end of the day for sure! I'm sitting here on my couch with a cup of herb tea and a hot water bottle for my back. Whew.

Horse shows are hard work.


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