If I'm posting, it must be Saturday.

Aug 23, 2014 21:06

Seems like I only have the time and energy to do this once a week lately. I keep saying that life is really busy, and it is, and I'm not complaining about it really, but where does the time go? I have thoughts about posting stuff, and then by the time I get home I seem to have lost those thoughts, so I end up just browsing around the internet. Oh well. Guess once a week is better than nothing, eh?

I had a day to myself today, owing to a mixup with my work schedule. I thought I was booked for days today and tomorrow, but it turned out to be only tomorrow. Since everyone expected me to be at work, nobody was expecting to see me..so I just stayed home and relaxed, waiting for the Doctor Who premiere.

I did clean out my closet (yesterday), after months of looking at it and thinking about doing it. Tossed a bunch of ratty tee shirts, threw out several pairs of shoes that were no longer fit for wearing, and bundled up a pile of clothes to take to the SPCA thrift store. What a wonderful feeling it was to get rid of all that old baggage. I open my closet door and just stare at the neatness that is in front of me...lovely.

Walked up to the Library and took out a pile of books to read. Started one, quickly tossed it aside because I was bored after the first two chapters. The good thing about taking out Library books is that I don't feel compelled to read them because I've spent the money on them. LOL.

I watched Doctor Who, and I was pleased. I like Peter Capaldi's Doctor, and I think it's going to be an interesting run.

I started rewatching Farscape this week. Watched two episodes during my night shifts (Netflix on my phone! Ain't technology wonderful. Couldn't sleep on my breaks, so it was good to have something to entertain me. How I love that show. There is so little on TV now that I have any desire to watch; it makes me long for the good old days of Buffy, and the various Star Treks, when it was all new and shiny.

I can't believe August is almost done. My garden is doing very nicely. I have had several good harvests of green beans, a few ripe tomatoes, some cucumbers and lots of kale and collard greens. It's growing almost in spite of me, because I certainly haven't put much effort into it beyond planting and watering. It's just great soil, good weather, and the natural tendency of plants to grow. Yay!! I'm going to be swamped by all the squash that's growing out on the manure pile in a couple of weeks; most of it is almost ready to pick, and there's a lot of it! Considering I didn't plant it on purpose, it's a nice little bonus. Tossing my kitchen scraps on the pile turns out to be a good thing. Full circle..squash seeds onto the pile, squash grows, gets eaten, squash seeds on the pile, round we go.

The horses are all fine, the house is coming along, and before we know it, it will be fall. Already it's getting dark a lot earlier, as the days wind down.

And now to bed.

This entry was originally posted at http://midnightsjane.dreamwidth.org/104873.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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