I feel like...

Nov 15, 2004 11:05

Crap. I am still sick, I dont want to go to class, and I feel really bad...for some reason. It kinda feels like pitty, or maybe guilt...I dont know what for though, so I'm really confused. I guess I'm going to show this weekend, but I dont think I'm good enough to. I dont want to look bad, expecially cuz I guess I am supposed to be in this 13B class, but really I shouldn't be. I have no clue as to what I am doing. So, I'm going to look like an idiot. But at least on the upside, I prolly wont know any of these people (at the show) in about 10 years, so at least I will only be an idiot to a couple of people that go to my school.
Me and Jason are doing fine...he got back from LA on saturday and I picked him up from the airport, he brought me back a shot glass, a cute little stuffed pink poodle, and a pheonix comic book. I like the little pink poodle, she is sitting on my dashboard. She looks good there. Speaking of poodles, I miss mine. I wish I had my own appartment or something so she could stay with me. I really want to see her but now it's really hard to try and find time to get into reno to go take her to the park. I'm so worried she is going to forget who I am.

ok, done babbling for now...I have a lot more I want to write about, but seeing as how the things i want to write about aren't exactly organized thoughts (more like a jumble of emotions and random thoughts) it would be really hard to type them out so they made sence.

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