In the name of being proactive..

Jan 07, 2009 12:44

So like I described in one of my comments in a recent angsty post. I do two things when life gets hard. 1. I shut down and let life happen to me, play the victim and inevitably end up depressed and dis-empowered. Or, 2. I fight fight fight until I eventually reach some kind of surface and come up for air. While the second can be exhausting, it's the way I've been choosing to go lately.

I've decided to deal with the way my relationships have felt lately (and how I've felt in them) in a few ways, and one of them is another lj cut, and also an lj filter. I want to have my lj be a safe place where I can express myself more, cause it's the only outlet I semi regularly attend to. That said for it to be safe I'm going to make an lj-filter for entries that I intend to do more processing/personal growth related stuff in.

If you'd like to be added, please comment and also add a little something about why you'd like to be added. I have a pretty good idea about who I'm feeling safe around lately, but I definitely want to know who wants to be added, and also who does not, as that will inform my decision, and I will keep most of my friends for all the rest of my entries.

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